



  • 外文名:exclaim
  • 詞性:動詞
  • 英式讀音:ɪkˈskleɪm
  • 美式讀音:ɪkˈskleɪm
  • 釋義:呼喊,驚叫;大聲叫嚷;大聲說出


exclaim m 呼喊 ; 驚叫 ; 大聲說 ; 歡呼
And Exclaim 然後大喊
Helen Exclaim 海倫驚呼


  • 1The spectacular sunrise made us exclaim in surprise.壯觀的日出讓我們驚嘆不已。
  • 2That's why you exclaim "Ouch" after staying away from the pain signals you encountered before.那就是為什麼你遠離開始遇到的疼痛信號後才驚叫“哎呦”的原因。
  • 3Could we render this inimitable picture properly, then would everybody exclaim, "Beautiful, unparalleled Italy!"如果我們能把這幅獨一無二的圖畫恰當地描繪出來,那么人人都會驚嘆:“美麗無比的義大利!”
  • 4Parts of the route driven by the bus driver have been blocked by recent snowfalls, and some passengers started to gasp and exclaim.巴士司機駕駛的路線中有部分路段被近期的降雪堵塞了,有些遊客們開始緊張地喘息和驚叫。
  • 5You exclaim, "Oh, I used to live here."你驚呼:“噢,我以前住在這裡。”
  • 6After every verse his mother would exclaim, "Who would have ever thought it!"每念完一節,他的母親就會驚呼:“誰會想到這個!”
  • 7Those who do not like him, shrug up their shoulders, and exclaim--there he is again!那些不喜歡他的人,聳聳肩,大聲說——他又來了!
  • 8"If only I could hear Heidi's voice before I die," the poor old woman would exclaim, day after day.“要是在我死之前能聽到海蒂的聲音就好了。”這個可憐的老婦人日復一日地叫喊著。
  • 9In the United States, the Samsung mobile phone named Exclaim has become the first phone to have Scanbuy software pre-installed.在美國,三星的名為 Exclaim 的手機成為第一款預裝 Scanbuy 軟體的手機。
  • 10Fart loudly then exclaim "Was that you."放個響屁,然後嚷嚷:“是你放的吧?”
  • 11He would sometimes exclaim, How I love to talk!有時候,他也叫嚷,我多么喜歡閒談啊!
  • 12I can not help but exclaim, how terrible figures!我不禁驚嘆,多么可怕的數字!
  • 13The Munroe girls rushed up to exclaim over her dress.孟家的女孩子都跑過來為她的衣服喝彩。
  • 14"It's brains, stupid," Bill Clinton might exclaim today.“它的大腦,愚蠢的,”比爾·柯林頓可能會驚嘆今天。
  • 15You stop me and exclaim, "But that is the ideal convent!"你拖住我,興奮地說:“這才真是理想的修院呢!”
  • 16In the middle of another conversation, he chanced to exclaim.在另一次談話中,他偶然想起,大聲說道。
  • 17For this is the love and light sweet, let people exclaim envy.渴望這是甜蜜的愛戀,發光地讓人羨慕不已,驚嘆不已。
  • 18I stand up and exclaim to the group of kind strangers "I found it".我站起來朝那群善良的陌生人喊:“我找到了。”
  • 19A forest, by definition (Vanity would exclaim) was a place full of trees, wasn't it?一片森林的定義(瓦妮特大聲說),是一片到處都長滿樹木的地方,不是嗎?
  • 20Do you ever go to the gym, stare at all the dumbbells lining the wall, and exclaim, "Dammit!"你是否去過健身房,盯著排排掛在牆上的啞鈴,感嘆“該死”!
  • 21Looked this fellow soars the posture, you can not exclaim in surprise the mysterious creator?看這傢伙飛翔中的姿態,你能不驚嘆神奇的造物主嘛?
  • 22That’s why you back away from the obstacle that initiated the pain signal and exclaim, “Ouch!”那就是為什麼你遠離開始遇到的疼痛信號後才驚叫:“哎呦”的原因。
  • 23That's why you back away from the obstacle that initiated the pain signal and exclaim, "Ouch!"這就是為什麼當障礙物產生疼痛的信號時,你就會躲開障礙物,並且喊叫:“哎喲! ”!
  • 24Xue Tao's poems have the unique artistic charm, unfold the mind world makes one exclaim in surprise.薛濤詩具有獨特的藝術魅力,所展現的心靈世界令人驚嘆。
  • 25On the basis of this philosophical belief, I exclaim the existence of objective laws of Web evolution.基於這樣一個哲學信仰,我斷定網際網路進化客觀規律一定是實際存在的。
  • 26What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there's no one in the room to hear you exclaim, "Gee whiz"?如果在房間裡沒有人聽到你在激動地驚叫,那么這些驚人的技術又有什麼用呢?。
  • 27Even the security guards, at seeing my work permit, would exclaim with delight, "Wow! You are Wu Xiaoming!"連保全看到我的工作證都會一臉崇拜地說:哇,你就是吳小敏啊!
  • 28Many times in reading The Way We Eat, we paused to exclaim, "I didn't realize that, " or "I didn't know that!"在讀《食之道》時我們會多次停下來驚呼,“我還真沒想過”或“我還真沒聽說過!”

