- 外文名:excavate
- 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
- 英式發音:[ˈekskəveɪt]
- 美式發音:[ˈekskəveɪt]
[excavate] 挖出並運走(如土壤或礦物)用機械開挖 口語 延伸解釋 開 : 開 (開) kāi 啟,張,把關閉的東西打開:開啟。開化。開誠布公。 分割:對開。三十二開本。挖 : 挖 wā 掘,掏:挖掘。挖牆腳(喻拆台)。挖空心思。
柑橘吸果夜蛾,Oraesia excavate Butler,夜蛾科嘴壺夜蛾屬的一個物種。主要危害作物:為害柑橘、梨、桃、蘋果、葡萄、龍眼、荔枝、柿、枇杷等多種果樹。形態特徵 鳥嘴壺夜蛾 學名:。形態特徵:成蟲頭部、前胸及足赤橙色,中、後胸淡...
supersedure,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“接替;代替”。短語搭配 queen supersedure 蜂王自然交替 supersedure effect 替代效益 supersedure queen cell 交替王台 雙語例句 Weaving excavate and grub supersedure plan is ...
可德組由林寶玉、邱洪榮,1983年命名於西藏定日縣帕卓區可德村。時代 S2 特徵 主要為灰色厚層泥質條帶灰岩夾頁岩與中層灰岩互層。含牙形石:Spathognathodus sagitta bohemicus,Ozarkodina excavata excavate,Panderodus gracilis;...
reveals the soft tissues and hard science behind this splendid new find from the Late Cretaceous Badlands of North Dakota. Manning chronicles the progress of the international team of scientists brought together to excavate, ...
with Yellowstone today. In Before Yellowstone, Douglas MacDonald tells the story of these early people as revealed by archaeological research into nearly 2,000 sites―many of which he helped survey and excavate. He desc...
student. But the trauma of Jakob's early life refuses to leave him. Living forever in the shadow of the Holocaust, although Jakob has escaped the most terrible fate of all, he must yet steel himself to excavate the...
Excavate a land for restless days Contemplate a chance for future ways Clip and hate to centralise the world Food and food and cardboard expatriates Sweet suburbia Sweet suburbia Birth and birth and birth and birth and ...
買庸而決竇 買庸而決竇,漢語詞語,意思是僱人掘水道排水。買庸而決竇 [hire a laborer to excavate watercouse for discharging] 僱人掘水道排水。竇,蓄水的孔穴
analyses of the images that she constructed and advanced. Bennetta Jules-Rosette explores Baker's far-ranging and dynamic career from a sociological and cultural perspective, using the tools of socio-semiotics to excavate ...