- 外文名:exaltation
- 英式讀音:ˌeɡzɔːlˈteɪʃn
- 美式讀音:ˌeɡzɔːlˈteɪʃn
- 詞性:名詞
An Exaltation of Soups 《An Exaltation of Soups》是Random House Inc出版的圖書,作者是Solley, Patricia
舉榮聖架節(Exaltation of the Cross)是天主教、東正教節日。紀念傳說中羅馬皇帝君士坦丁一世(306-337在位)看到“顯現”的十字架,並和他母親赫倫娜(Helena)皈依基督教後,即前往耶路撒冷“尋得”耶穌被釘死於其上的那個十字架。十字架最初被視為一種刑具,宗徒時代已成為耶穌自我犧牲,代人獻祭的象徵,同時...
聖十字架節 【聖十字架節】(Holycross,exaltationof the cross)基督教節日。耶穌被猶大出賣後,被釘死在十字架上(太27:32-34;可15:21-32;路23:26-43;約19:17-27)。為紀念他受死的十字架,每年9月14日定為聖十字架節。
The more perverse the greater exaltation 興高采烈地看她們掙扎 Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run 無處可躲,無處可逃 They turned the waters of the Yangtze red with blood 揚子江被他們染成了鮮紅 Cast aside and brutalized 又是凌虐,又是踐踏 Terrific horror made to terrorize 用極度的恐怖做出恫嚇 B...
這種類型通常被稱為櫥櫃畫。它們包括各種光效果,以及對景觀的創新處理。他影響了許多其他藝術家,包括倫勃朗和彼得·保羅·魯本斯。主要作品 主要作品信息如下:1、Saint Agnes (recto); Figure Studies (verso)2、Apollo and Coronis 3、The Altarpiece Of The Exaltation Of The True Cross ...
興奮型月經期 興奮型月經期(exaltation in menstrual period)是2019年公布的運動醫學名詞。定義 女運動員月經期情緒異常激動,各種生理指標有提高的趨勢,肌肉發緊,動作僵硬,下腹有痙攣性疼痛,頭暈,睡眠差,心率較快,呼吸頻率增加,血壓升高。出處 《運動醫學名詞》第一版。
貫穿史百克著作的是主耶穌基督的exaltation。史百克曾在英國、美國、瑞士、台灣、菲律賓等多處傳道。許多信息用錄音磁帶和書籍的形式保存下來。史百克於1971年去世,其妻佛蘿倫絲於1986年去世。國際性影響 史百克在基督徒交通中心的工作產生了世界性的影響,訓練了許多傳教士和基督教教師,並且其他國家實行“新約教會模式”...
Taking in the sun in a exaltation to you You come running in on platform shoes With Marshall stacks To at least just give us a clue Ah here it comes I know it's someone I knew Teenage riot in a public station Gonna fight and tear it up in a hypernation for you Now I see it I...
beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show. The true spirit of delight, the exaltation,...
《Future Kiss》是倉木麻衣的音樂作品,收錄在《Future Kiss》專輯中。歌詞 驚いた視線を 笑顏で橫切る 笑著從容應對 你驚異的目光 目の眩むスポットライト 沐浴在炫目的 浴びて exaltation 聚光燈之下 変わったねと話す 仲間の向こうに 大家訝於我的變化 他們眼中映出的 懐かしい橫顏 相変わらず so ...
jauntiness,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“活潑;高興;洋洋得意”。短語搭配 elated elation exaltation jauntiness 得意洋洋 ; 自得洋洋 elated el exingternative jauntiness 得意洋洋 THE BEST RAIMENT OF JAUNTINESS 創造最時尚最摩登的霓裳 Your tolerance indulged my jauntiness 你的寬容卻放縱我的...
a strange exaltation that was indefinable; a strange fantastical mind; what a strange sense of humor she has.不確定的異常興奮;異常的空想;她的幽默感是多么不同尋常。City life is strange, in a strange place, amongst strange people.在陌生的地方與陌生的人相處—在城市生活好不習慣。Strange though ...
Exaltation exaltation Ohh hang me high Take this rainbow and bury it deep Take this serpent and put it to sleep Take these words then learn to keep Take this sow and reap Oh Hang me high The night man coming away With the ashes of some fallen saint With some forgotten martyr to...
Jeffs is ecclesiastical head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes polygamy brings exaltation in heaven.傑夫是耶穌基督末世聖徒原教旨教會的教主,該教會是主流摩門教的一個分支,認為多妻制會帶來天堂般的福祉。
Tonight follow the exaltation Love, wisdom and trust arise When sunrays shines on the leaves above Now let me show you the ocean of the prime If it is possible,I want to continue to build a lasting basis for U.S.-Soviet cooperation-for a more peaceful future for all mankind.The triumph...
highest exaltation of gladness 興高采烈 Peace Earth Need Gladness 和平地球需要快樂 full of gladness 滿懷喜悅 雙語例句 Peter had no sinking, he had one feeling only, gladness; and he gnashed his pretty teeth with joy.彼得沒有下沉,他只有一種感覺,那就是快樂。他高興得咬牙切齒。Next morning...
short life he proved to be one of the greatest and most original thinkers of the second generation of Romantic poets, with such poems as "Ode to a Nightingale", "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" and "La Belle Dame sans Merci".While his writing is illuminated by his exaltation of...
I made clear to her that my money-lending had been simply the degradation of my will and my mind, my personal idea of self-castigation and self-exaltation.我向她解釋說,開當鋪不過是我的意志和理智墮落的一種表現,是個人自怨自艾、自我吹噓的想法。At the same time, we should consummate the ...
The judge commended the jury for their patience and hard work. To extol is to praise highly; the term suggests exaltation or glorification.法官讚揚了陪審團耐心及辛勤的工作。指高度讚揚;該詞表達了一種讚揚和讚頌的意思。In its broadest sense salvation includes regeneration, sanctification, and ...
Can effectively promote fat burnable, the exaltation reduces weight effect.能夠有效促進脂肪燃燒,提高減肥效果。Opposite her desk are recycling bins for burnable trash, plastic, glass and metal (subdivided into aluminum and steel).諮詢台對面是可燃垃圾,塑膠,玻璃以及金屬(細分為鋁和鋼)的回收箱。The ...
Live my life to claim the blessing sweet of exaltation My testimony growing each new day I walk by faith a daughter of heav‘nly parents Divine am I in nature by inheritance The Spirit whispers of my mission my individual worth So I seek for precious knowledge for learning and for growth ...
《Voyage 34》是Porcupine Tree演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Warszawa 》專 輯 中。歌曲歌詞 This remarkable Sometimes incoherent transcript Illustrates a phantasmagoria of Fear terror grief exaltation And finally breakdown Its' highlights have been Compressed on this recording to make Their own disquieting points...
Exaltation As we lose our inhibition Celebration It's around us Every nation All around us Singin' forever young Singin' songs underneath that sun Let's rejoice in the beautiful game And together at the end of the day We all say When I get older I will be stronger ...