



  • 外文名:enmity
  • 屬性:英語單詞
  • 美式發音:[ˈenməti]
  • 英式發音:[ˈenməti]


  • 1I think there is an historic enmity between them.我認為他們之間存在著宿怨。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Her action earned her the enmity of two or three colleagues.她的行動激起了兩三個同事對她的怨恨。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Suddenly he moved up to the Alp, to live there at enmity with God and man.突然,他搬到了高山牧場上生活,與人們和上帝都斷絕了聯繫。
  • 4There was enmity between the two persons.這兩人之間有仇。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5Shall feel the spider's enmity.應感蜘蛛恨。
  • 6We were at enmity with Him.在我們還作神仇敵的時候。
  • 7Could finish enmity.能使我敵意終止。
  • 8He did not feel any real enmity toward Colleen.他對科琳不抱絲毫敵意。
  • 9This has incurred much enmity from Kosovo's Albanians.這招致了科索沃阿爾巴尼亞人的敵意。
  • 10Inevitably, jealousy and desperation turn to enmity.嫉妒和絕望不可避免的轉化為敵意。
  • 11The desire for freedom at home has trumped enmity towards the west.對本土自由的渴望,勝過了對西方的敵意。
  • 12I bear none of you any enmity, but I won't go up against James.我跟你們毫無過節,但我也不想和詹姆斯作對。
  • 13A century's enmity and countless deaths stand between us and the Hun.一個世紀的仇恨,無數的死亡橫在我們及破壞者之間。
  • 14There is, of course, the odium theologicum, and it can be a cause of enmity.當然,信仰上的互相厭惡是確實存在的,這也是敵意產生的一個原因。
  • 15Gaddafi memorialized the attack as a sign of the West's enmity toward him.卡扎菲把這次襲擊事件看做是西方敵對國家針對他的一個信號。
  • 16European integration overcame the historic enmity between France and Germany.歐洲一體化解決了法國和德國素來的敵意。
  • 17I merely repeat, remember always your duty of enmity towards Man and all his ways.我僅僅重複一遍,永遠記住你們對於人類以及所有人類的方式的仇恨。
  • 18The two men are treating the world to “an unusually vivid display of enmity and ambition”.這兩人將世界當做“展示仇恨和雄心”的舞台。
  • 19All this enmity and passion had Pearl inherited, by inalienable right, out of Hester's heart.這一切仇恨和熱情,都是珠兒理所當然地從海絲特心中承襲下來的。
  • 20But if he thrust him suddenly without enmity, or have cast upon him any thing without laying of wait.倘若人沒有仇恨,忽然將人推倒,或是沒有埋伏把物扔在人身上。
  • 21While others saw the enmity between the superpowers as immutable, he insisted that change was possible.儘管其他人認為兩個超級大國間的敵意是永遠不可改變的,但他堅持認為,變化可能發生。
  • 22Lord Mandelson backed Mr Blair over Mr Brown early on and incurred the latter's hurt and resentful enmity.曼德爾森勳爵早先支持布萊爾勝於布朗,從而引發了布朗的痛苦和敵意。
  • 23But the enmity between these two clubs runs so much deeper than simply whose trophy cabinet is the most full.不過,這兩家俱樂部之間的恩怨可不是那么簡單,絕對不僅僅是因為各自家的獎盃成列室里有多少獎盃而產生深仇大恨。
  • 24Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion enmity worship love but no friendship.男女之間不可能存在友誼,有的只是愛恨情仇。
  • 25But more than anything the briefings reveal how the ISI's world view is framed by its decades-old enmity with India.但是簡報中暴露得最多的,還是情報局對世界的觀點如何受到其與印度之間的數十年來的敵意所影響。


