



  • 外文名:enlighten
  • 詞性:動詞




LG Enlighten內容來源
enlighten n啟發 ; 照耀 ; 啟蒙 ; 教導
enlighten initiation啟蒙


  • 1It was an elite that believed its task was to enlighten the multitude.精英人物都會認為自己的職責就是啟迪民眾。《牛津詞典》
  • 2A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession.少數富有獻身精神的醫生為啟蒙這一行業而奮鬥多年。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Instead, she set up Enlighten our Future, a charity that reaches students in the countryside how to write poems.相反,她成立了一個名為“啟迪我們的未來”的慈善機構,教導農村的學生如何寫詩。
  • 4She didn't enlighten him about her background.她未向他講明自己的出身背景。《牛津詞典》
  • 5This book will enlighten the reader.這本書將會啟發讀者。
  • 6Enlighten me, please.請告訴我。
  • 7I thought perhaps you could enlighten it.我想也許你能夠讓他搞明白。
  • 8That, he said, might help enlighten them.他說,這樣或許可以啟發他們。
  • 9The results may enlighten — and disturb — you.結果可能會啟發(和干擾)您。
  • 10I really can't understand this. Please enlighten me.這個事情我實在想不明白,還請您給我點化一下吧。
  • 11Would you enlighten me on your plans for the future?請給我解釋一下你將來的計畫好嗎?
  • 12Can you enlighten me — I don't understand this proposal.我不明白這條建議,你能不能啟發我一下。
  • 13Thank you enlighten me in my helplessness, cry to comfort me.謝謝你在我無助時開導我,哭泣時給我安慰。
  • 14Enlighten yourself with koans, katas, and the wisdom of ages.讓自己知道koans katas以及歲月的智慧。
  • 15TV programs should enlighten the audience as well as entertainment.電視節目既要使觀眾得到娛樂也要使他們得到啟發。
  • 16We hope to enlighten you to the usefulness and power of real astrology.我們希望通過占星術的實用性及其真正的能力來讓你明白。
  • 17I wish to enlighten my people with knowledge in order to give them power.我希望用我的知識去啟蒙人們,以給他們力量。
  • 18Nonetheless, the emperor asked courteously, "What can you enlighten me on?"不過,這位國王還是蠻客氣地說:「你有什麼指教?」
  • 19But now, the parents have more time to comprehend and enlighten their child.現在,父母們有更多的時間了解和教育自己的子女。
  • 20Get to know them on a more personal level too. Enlighten yourself about them.你也要從私人的角度更多地了解他們。
  • 21Should the function of children's television be to entertain or to enlighten?兒童電視節目的功能應該具有娛樂性,還是啟發性?
  • 22Use this book to enlighten yourself, your loved ones, your world, and your future.利用這本書來啟發你自己,你的愛人,你的世界和你的將來。
  • 23And it enlightens the whole world: if it does not enlighten, that person is darkness.照亮整個世界:,倘若不能發光,就是黑暗。
  • 24It is a matter of taking an opportunity to enlighten others without forcing an issue.問題是如何取得一個有利機會去啟發其他人,而不是強迫性的。

