



  • 外文名:endow
  • 詞性:動詞




endow profits贊助贏利
to endow賦予
endow bestow捐贈
endow w賦予 ; 捐贈 ; 資助 ; 賦有
endow capabilities賦予能力
primary endow初始稟賦
Endow Insurance養老保險
endow with賦予 ; 給予 ; 使天生擁有


  • 1Herbs have been used for centuries to endow a whole range of foods with subtle flavours.香草幾個世紀以來一直被用來賦予各種食品細膩的味道。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2With advice from AI specialists, art designers and culture researchers, our multi-language experts endow Lancom with an enormous potential for innovation within the world of language learning.在人工智慧專家、藝術設計師和文化研究者的建議下,我們的多語言專家賦予了 Lancom 以巨大的語言學習創新潛力。
  • 3They were deploring their parents' omission to endow them with so splendid a means of appealing to the Zamindar.他們在抱怨著他們的父母沒有賦予他們這種向地主請願的卓越口才。
  • 4The golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness.金色的流蘇使整個講道壇富顯華貴,氣度不凡。
  • 5I can only endow 100 dollars at most.我充其量只能捐助100美元。
  • 6They will endow spirit of Shagnhai with soul and life.它們將賦予上海精神以靈魂和生命。
  • 7It can endow his daily experience with a kind of romance.這讓他的日常經歷富有浪漫色彩。
  • 8Is it the people who endow the room with its particular mood?是人賦予了房間獨特的情緒?
  • 9Dog training can endow with a remarkable extent of contentment.狗訓練可以賦予一個了不起的滿意程度。
  • 10Mathematics seems to endow one with something like a new sense.數學似乎賦予人有新的知覺。
  • 11The polyphonic features endow Light in August with eternal vitality.復調性賦予《八月之光》不息的生命力。
  • 12The long history and the splendid culture endow it with profoundness.悠久的歷史、燦爛的文化,賦予了金華深厚的底蘊;
  • 13And these aesthetic features endow humor with unique aesthetic values.這些美學特徵賦予了幽默獨特的美學價值。
  • 14We see the true that today people endow the house with too much emotion.我們要看到這樣的事實,今天人們賦予房子太多的情感。
  • 15For God did not endow her with wisdom or give her a share of good sense.因為上帝使他沒有智慧,也未將悟性賜給他。
  • 16The cardigans and leggings as soft as silk endow ladies with particular charm.柔情似水的毛衣裙裝賦予女性獨特的魅力。
  • 17My grandmother endow me a cat as a birthday present. But my mother doesn't like it.我的祖母給我一隻貓作為生日禮物。但我的母親不喜歡它。
  • 18We've now been able to endow this center and it has been renamed as the Keller center.如今我們能夠為這箇中心捐資,並將其命名為凱勒中心。
  • 19Finally, the UML specification enumerates specific properties that must endow a service 6.最後,UML規範列舉了必須賦予服務的具體屬性6。
  • 20It is the people who endow the sovereign with the authority to represent them on their behalf.他認為,君主的權力是人民賦予給他的,讓其代表廣大的人民,並維護人民的利益。
  • 21I believe we can do the shows with our own wisdom and endow the shows with Chinese feature.我相信我們能夠用自己的智慧作出自己的節目,並賦予節目中國的特色。
  • 22So is it possible to endow my digital double with a believable representation of my own personality?那么,有沒有可能使我的電子替身忠實再現我自己的人格?
  • 23Confront me with fears that will temper my spirit; yet endow me with courage to laugh at my misgivings.讓我面對恐懼,好磨鍊我的精神。給我勇氣嘲笑自己的疑慮和膽怯。
  • 24She let the falling leaves connected with butterflies, endow the gone leaves with vitality and color afresh.她把落葉和蝴蝶連在一起,把剛剛死去的葉的生命,重新賦予生機和色彩。
  • 25We also compared the prognostication precision, endow differ power, and established assembled forecast model.比較各方法預測精度,賦予不同權重,建立組合預測模型。
  • 26The most sought after particle in particle physics - the Higgs boson - is believed to endow all other particles with mass.粒子物理里的終極追求——希格斯玻色子——被認為是賦予其它粒子以質量的粒子。
  • 27This is the glorious mission endow to us the offspring of China by history, also it's our unavoidable responsibility.這是歷史交付給我們炎黃子孫的光榮使命!更是不可推卸的職責!
  • 28Abraham's success has allowed him to endow his tiny town with amenities unusual in communities several times its size.亞伯拉罕的成功讓他有能力給小鎮捐款修建娛樂設施,但是他的捐款數字顯然太大了。
  • 29But an attempt to endow the fembot with the ability to detect faces and make more realistic eye contact has been only half successful.但是賦予女機器人面孔識別功能和更真實的眼神交流的嘗試只成功了一半。

