- 外文名:ecclesiastical
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ɪˌkliːziˈæstɪkl]
- 美式發音:[ɪˌkliːziˈæstɪkl]
《Medieval Ecclesiastical Studies in Honour of Dorothy M.Owen》是一本圖書,作者是Franklin, M. J.; Harper-Bill, Christopher; Owen, Dorothy Mary 內容簡介 Dorothy Owen has made a major contribution over half a century to ...
The Political and Ecclesiastical Allegory of the First Book of the Faerie Queene 《The Political and Ecclesiastical Allegory of the First Book of the Faerie Queene》是一本圖書,作者是Padelford, Frederick Morgan ...
教階制(ecclesiastical hierarchy)亦稱“教階體制”。基督教實行主教制和牧首制的教會的神職人員的等級和教務管理的組織體制。萌芽於2-3世紀,4世紀基督教成為羅馬帝國的國教後,參照帝國的官階體制逐步完善,在中世紀封建社會中定型。直至19...
教政體制(ecclesiastical polity)基督教教會的組織原則和管理制度。各派教會根據各自對教會性質和職能的神學觀點及其對聖經有關教會組織記載的解釋,制定各種不同的政教體制。大體分為主教制、長老制和公理制三種。主教制 主教制(Episcopacy...
ecclesiolatry,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“教會聖傳崇拜”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 ecclesiolatry /ɪˌkliːzɪˈɒlətrɪ/ 1.N obsessional devotion to ecclesiastical traditions 對教會傳統的極度...
教省(英語:ecclesiastical province)基督教的教會管區制度中的一種行政區劃,位階在教區之上,通常由數個教區組成。有羅馬天主教會、東方正教會、聖公會等教派實行此制度。聖公會 第二次世界大戰後,英國屬地紛紛獨立。獨立後因政治、...
簡介 教宗十字(拉丁語:ferula)是羅馬教宗的標誌。作為實體的十字,它在遊行時被舉在教宗前面,或者被教宗用作其牧杖(pastoral staff,或稱crosier)。外形和意義 過去,這種十字圖案經常被用在牧徽學(ecclesiastical heraldry)中,作為...
日內瓦市議會為支持加爾文的宗教改革,於1541年11月20日通過了《教會條例》(Ecclesiastical Ordinances) ,建立日內瓦市的內閣運行機構,即日後的所謂“日內瓦神權共和國”。基本簡介 日內瓦大主教:日內瓦神權共和國的實際掌權者,由選舉產生,...
ecclesiastical heraldry 牧徽學 Heraldry Reborn 蘇生紋章 Basic Heraldry 書名 Turkish heraldry 土耳其國徽 CR Heraldry 紋章學 family heraldry 家徽 Heraldry Record 紋章的記錄 Medieval Heraldry 中古紋章學 Heraldry Change 紋章變換 ...
Adultery, fornication, breach of marriage contract, sexual slander - these, along with religious offences of various kinds, were typical of the cases dealt with by the ecclesiastical courts in Elizabethan and early Stuart ...
Ⅺ Ecclesiastical principalities Ⅻ The different types of army,and mercenary troops XIII auxiliaries,mixed troops and native troops XIV How a ruler should act concerning military mnatters XV The things for which men,and ...
《Cranmer in Context》是一本圖書,作者是Brooks, Peter Newman 內容簡介 Thomas Cranmer was a notable ecclesiastical statesman and much involved in the separation of the Church of England from the papacy. As an archbishop of...
history of medieval Scotland, concentrating on the period between the middle of the eleventh century and the Reformation and taking full account of recent scholarship. It is primarily a political and ecclesiastical study, ...
they developed parallel bodies of doctrine. Helmholz aims to fill some of the gaps in scholarship on the common legal past of Western law, the history of the Roman and canon laws, the history of the ecclesiastical ...