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  • 外文名:earshot
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈɪəʃɒt]
  • 美式音標:[ˈɪrʃɑːt]


英 [ˈɪəʃɒt] 美 [ˈɪrʃɑːt]
n. 聽力所及之範圍


out of earshot 不在聽力所及範圍 ; 不在聽力所及局限 ; 不在 ; 不在聽力所及
within earshot 在聽力所及距離之內
stayed within earshot 兩天之內到達
Earshot Jazz Festival 伊爾肖特爵士音樂節
out t of earshot 不在聽力所及範圍
be out of earshot 超出聽力所及範圍
earshot t 聽力所及範圍
Earshot Media 出版者
be within earshot 還在聽力範圍之內


  • Shaun was in the bedroom, out of earshot, watching television. 肖恩在臥室里看電視,聽不到。
  • We waited until Ted was safely out of earshot before discussing it. 我們一直等到特德保準聽不見時才討論這事。
  • As she came within earshot of the group, she heard her name mentioned. 當她走到能聽見這群人說話聲時聽到有人提她的名字。
  • Unless he was equipped with a directional microphone, he was out of earshot. 除非給他配備一個定向揚聲器,否則誰也聽不見他。
  • I'll be out of earshot, stone deaf. 反正我聽不見,完全聾掉。
  • Mark was out of earshot, walking ahead of them. 馬克走在前面,聽不見他們的聲音。
  • Everyone within earshot soon knew her opinion of John. 在近處聽得到的人都知道了她對約翰的看法。
  • Don't wander off too far, children; I want you to remain within earshot. 孩子們,不要跑開得太遠,我要你們就呆在附近。
  • Arrived within two days; stayed within earshot; within ten miles of home. 兩天之內到達;待在聽力所及之地;在離家十英里之內。
  • "I don't feel so well," I whispered to him when our hosts were out of earshot. “我不舒服,”在我們東道主聽力範圍外,我小聲對他說。
  • If I'd waited till he was out of earshot you probably wouldn't be talking to me now. 如果我等他離開遠一點,他聽不到了再動手,你們現在就不可能在這邊跟我說話了。
  • If you can get within earshot of the enemy, you might hear some of his secret plans. 你要是能走到聽得見敵人說話的距離,也許可以聽到敵人的某些秘密計畫。
  • He did, however, get within earshot of a conversation between his mother and his teacher. 儘管如此,他還是能聽的他媽媽和老師的談話。
  • At the hospital, several young men stood within earshot, looking shocked and grief-stricken. 在醫院,幾個年輕人簇在一起,驚魂未定,極度悲傷。
  • Black Rose galloped away and, after a while, the enemy shouts were completely out of their earshot. 黑玫瑰奔了一陣,敵人喧叫聲已絲毫不聞。
  • So there we had to stay — my mother almost entirely exposed and both of us within earshot of the inn. 於是我們不得不待在那裡——母親差不多完全暴露著,而我們倆都在旅店聽得到的距離內。
  • No matter how she tried to fill her days, she was always within sight or earshot of the work next door. 不管她怎么著努力來填充她的日常生活,她總是看得到或者聽得到鄰家的改建工程。
  • To set a trap Tony makes sure he is within earshot of Jamey when he tells Milo that Jack did swap the key card. 托尼告訴麥洛,傑克的確換掉了那張鑰匙卡,為了設定一個圈套,托尼故意讓傑米聽到了他和麥洛的這番對話。
  • To set a trap, Tony makes sure he is within earshot of Jamey when he tells Milo that Jack did swap the key card. 托尼告訴麥洛,傑克的確換掉了那張鑰匙卡,為了設定一個圈套,托尼故意讓傑米聽到了他和麥洛的這番對話。
  • In addition, the recorder captured sound from a television whenever it was turned on within earshot of the baby. 此外,當電視機被打開時,錄音機將在嬰兒的聽力所及範圍收錄聲音。
  • The comments, made within earshot of reporters, come in the run-up to the G8 summit in Scotland later this week. 這些讓記者聞風的評論,成為本周稍後在蘇格蘭舉行的八國首腦會議的前奏。
  • She has been to every corner of the earth and will casually mention to you and everyone within earshot how well traveled she is. 她足跡踏遍地球上每個角落,會很隨意地向你和所有聽得到的人提及她的超精彩的旅行。
  • It's that person sitting in the corner nursing a salty camera and mumbling about 'o' rings to anyone that comes within earshot. 這些人會坐在角落拿著個含有鹽分的照相機然後對別人喃喃自語道,這都是O型圈惹的禍。
  • Piett thought he was out of earshot, but the disparagement was still heard by Bossk, a towering reptilian humanoid and skilled predator. 皮耶特以為沒人能聽到,但他的輕蔑之辭還是被博斯克聽到了。博斯克是一個高大的爬行類人形生物,技藝嫻熟的鐵血戰士。


