- 外文名:downright
- 詞性:形容詞、副詞
- 英式發音:[ˈdaʊnraɪt]
- 美式發音:[ˈdaʊnraɪt]
英 [ˈdaʊnraɪt] 美 [ˈdaʊnraɪt]
adj. (強調反面的或令人不快的事物)徹頭徹尾的,十足的;(人的舉止或行為)直截了當的,生硬的
adv. (強調反面的或令人不快的事物)徹頭徹尾地,十足地
downright distrust 不信任的傳統 ; 完全不信任
downright ill-advised 十分不明智
Downright bad luck 倒霉透頂
a downright insult 十足的侮辱
Downright gutsy 明顯而且大膽
that's downright foolhardy 那純粹是蠻幹
Downright and Dangerous 徹頭徹尾的危險
a downright lie 彌天大謊 ; 完全通過堅持才得到了這份工作
- 1"Thanks" can be useful, as it is able to bridge the divide between the formality of "thank you" and the downright relaxed "cheers".“Thanks”很有用,因為它能夠在正式的“thank you”和完全放鬆的“cheers”之間架起一座橋樑。
- 2The man was downright rude to us.這個傢伙對我們無禮至極。《牛津詞典》
- 3It's not just stupid—it's downright dangerous.這豈止是愚蠢—簡直是危險。《牛津詞典》
- 4There was suspicion and even downright hatred between them.他們之間相互懷疑甚至極度仇恨。《牛津詞典》
- 5She couldn't think of anything to say that wasn't downright rude.她除了破口大罵之外再也說不出什麼。《牛津詞典》
- 6Once they made him wear a brace but he fretted so he was downright ill.有一次,他們讓他戴上支架,但他焦躁不安,因此病得很重。
- 7Some of the critter's combat strategies seem barbaric or downright bizarre.這種生物的一些戰鬥策略看起來很野蠻,或者完全是怪異的。
- 8She's begun to be downright pretty since she's filled out and lost her ugly little sour look.自從她胖起來,沒有了她那醜陋的沮喪的樣子後,她開始變得非常漂亮。
- 9Some of these endings are more probable than others. Some, such as the end of time, are downright paradoxical.有些盡頭比其他的更有可能性。有些,比如像時間的盡頭,則是徹頭徹尾的自相矛盾。
- 10It would be downright [sheer] madness to do such a thing.做這種事純粹是發瘋。《新英漢大辭典》
- 11Whites were downright hostile.白人就更加是滿懷敵意了。
- 12It's downright insulting!這簡直就是徹頭徹尾的侮辱!
- 13Some findings are downright peculiar.一些發現是相當奇特的。
- 14In fact, it can be downright difficult.事實上,可能會非常困難。
- 15Indeed, they can be downright dangerous.實際上,那些個教訓,也許危險之至矣。
- 16In fact, I think he said it was downright weird.事實上,我想他說的是這真夠古怪離奇的。
- 17In fact, it's downright dangerous in those cases.事實上,在這裡它有明顯的危險性。
- 18The combination of all this is downright pleasurable.所有這些結合在一起讓人非常愉快。
- 19In South Asia, this makes the car downright cavernous.而在南亞,這使它看起來像一團發泡海綿。
- 20You can scream, be self righteous or downright offensive.你可以放聲尖叫、自以為是或者破口大罵。
- 21Microsoft's refusal to address this is downright puzzling.微軟拒絕解決該難題。
- 22Other details are not just gruesome, but downright shocking.其他細節不僅可怕,而且更加令人震驚。
- 23That sounds not only philosophical but downright theological.這聽起來不僅哲學,而且很有神學意味。
- 24This project, which is open source, is downright trivial to use.這個項目是開源的,可以下載下來試用。
- 25But being too cautious can make a boss seem downright heartless.但這樣做卻會讓管理者看起來太沒有人情味了。
- 26The why of these choices is often not clear - actually downright murky.他做這些選擇的原因我們一直不太清楚——實際上是完全不清楚。
- 27But to ignore marketing is more than dangerous; it's downright stupid.但是忽視行銷不止是危險;簡直是徹頭徹尾的愚蠢。
- 28Those whose claims look downright fraudulent should stand down immediately.那些聲稱看起來完全被欺騙應該立即下台。