- 中文名:懷疑
- 遊戲類型:策略
- 地區:俄羅斯
- 開發商:Cheerdealers
- 發行公司:Alawar Entertainment
- 發行日期:2017年8月23日
- 內容主題:生存,獨立,策略,暴力,冒險
- 玩家人數:單人
- 遊戲引擎:Unity 3D
- 發行階段:未發行
- 外文名:distrust


of those who want to get hold of the secret weapons devised in the plant, notably of a wire which, when attached to a balloon, may become the most effective anti-aircraft ever. For sure, they should distrust every...
Distrust.My mistake are and thorn destroyed the love I cut my fuckin throat within my jealousy My breathe is leaking from my wound You cut my fuckin throat.It's like your vengeance Stop bleeding.And I go back to ...
單曲專輯 single 2009.1.28--Violent Of Reason 2009.2.25--S.a.g.A 2009.10.7--PARADOX 2010.1.13--Distrust 2011.4.13--INTO THE VOID 2012.7.11--FLASH BACK album 2010.6.16--ALSDEAD 2012.2.29--Modality ...
He looks at me sharply, distrusting my equivocation.他犀利地看著我,不相信我的含糊其辭。Why doesn't the president say so without equivocation?為什麼總統不能直截了當地說呢?They must admit without equivocation or ambiguity...
Available for the first time in more than 40 years, this classic tells the story of a gorgeous 18-year-old and her lover who conspire to murder her rich, ailing stepfather, but jealousy and distrust soon sow the ...
To fear doubt and distrust (not enough)You just threw away the key (to your heart)You don't get burned ('cause nothing gets through)It makes it easier (easier on you)That much more difficult for me To make you...
《Brain Of J》是Pearl Jam演唱的英文歌曲。Pearl Jam-Brain Of.Who's got the brain of JFK?What's it mean to us now?...yeah Pause, It sounds distrust But I can tell you this is no lie The whole world will be...