- 外文名:discontinue
- 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
- 英式發音:[ˌdɪskənˈtɪnjuː]
- 美式發音:[ˌdɪskənˈtɪnjuː]
斷絕,漢語辭彙。是指原來連貫的不再連貫;原來有聯繫的失去聯繫。語出《管子·幼官》:“方外旗物尚白,兵尚劍,刑則紹昧斷絕。”基本解釋 [discontinue]∶不再連貫。床頭屋漏無乾處,雨腳如麻未斷絕。——唐· 杜甫《茅屋為秋風所破歌》引證詳解 1. 原來連貫的不再連貫;原來有聯繫的失去聯繫。①《管子·...
〖discontinue;stop publication of〗,與創刊相對,指報紙、雜誌等刊物(或其組成部分例如專欄)由於各種原因停止刊行,不再繼續辦下去了,也指定期進行連載的作品(例如動漫作品)停止刊出:該雜誌將在出完下一期之後~。此時所刊發的最後一期通常稱為停刊號或結刊號。釋義 停刊 tíng kān 英譯 stop publication ...
中止,漢語辭彙。拼音:zhōng zhǐ 釋義:指(做事)中途停止;使中途停止。 如:中止正常的電視節目加進一段新的重要報導。釋義 [break;interrupt;discontinue] 半途停止 中止正常的電視節目加進一段新的重要報導 出處 《韓詩外傳》卷九:“孟子少時誦,其母方織, 孟子輟然中止。”例句 南朝 宋鮑照《舞鶴賦》...
DC ——/discontinue 停止 MN ——/mid night 午夜零點 Pm post meridiem/after noon 下午 PRN pro re nata/as necessary 需要時(長期醫囑)QD quaque die/every day 每日一次 QID quarter in die/four times a day 每日四次 Qh quaque hora/every hour 每小時一次 Q.2h quaque 2 hora/every 2 ...
dis- == 不、無、相反,dislike 不喜歡,disagree 不同意,discontinue 中斷,disorder 混亂,disbelieve 不信,disproof 反證,dishonest 不誠實的,dispraise 貶損,非難,disappear 消失,disremember 忘記,discomfort 不舒服,disability 無能,無力 == 加在含有分開、否定等意義的單詞前,作加強意義,dispart 分離...
acknowledge;admit; advise;advocate;allow;appreciate; avoid; be worth(後面的動名詞必須是主動形式); celebrate; consider; contemplate; defer; delay; deny; detest; discontinue; dislike; dispute; enjoy; it entails; escape; excuse; explain; fancy; feel like; finish; forgive; hinder; imagine; it ...
補充了以下的警告語:To prevent serious injury or death from infants falling or being strangled in straps;Always secure infant in the restraint system provided; Never leave infant unattended in swing;Discontinue use of swing when infant attempts to climb out。移動搖籃應有以下警告語:Always place ...
the ball, he must make a move toward the hoop for the official to discontinue his three second count. If he attempts to back the defensive player down, attempting to secure a better position in relation to the basket, offensive three seconds or an offensive foul must be called.If he ...
continue, discontinue, interrupt continuous, discontinuous, interrupted contract, expand convenience. inconvenience cool, warm copy,original correct, incorrect, wrong countable, uncountable country, city, town courage , fear, cowardice cover, uncover cruel, kind, pitiful curse bless blessing D danger, ...
60. cease stop quit halt discontinue pause stall v 61. center middle midst heart n 62. certain sure confident positive adj 63. cheat say speak talk tell state whisper v 64. cheat deceive v 65. choose elect pick select v 66. clear apparent evident obvious distinct adj 67. climate weather ...
14.2 B & W may also, in its sole discretion and at any time, discontinue temporarily or permanently providing the B&W Service, or any part thereof, with or without notice. You agree that any termination of access to the B&W Service under any provision of the Terms of Service may be ...
61.cease stop discontinue halt v.62.centre middle core heart nucleus n.63.certain sure confident positive adj.64.chat say speak state talk tell whisper v.65.cheat deceive v 66.choose elect pick select v.67.clear plain distinct obvious evident adj.68.climate weather n 69.climb creep crawl ...
[04]到此為止 Discontinue Here [05]兩點在半島咖啡 First Date at Two [06]轉身 Turn Away [07]藥 Love is Medicine [08]夜艷 Stony Dancing [09]海棠風 Wind of Flower [10]青筋檸檬味 Distressed Yearning [11]門 The Door 歌手資料 藝名:尚玟熹(Xī)英文名:Ainsel (安賽兒)生 日:1983年12月23...
cease discontinue halt pause stop chat say speak state talk tell whisper cheat deceive defraud swindle trick choose elect pick select climb creep crawl scramble close shut collect gather accumulate assemble congregate compare contrast connect link join unite associate D decide determine settle resolve decr...
⑽ 斷根,無後代 [discontinue]子絕四。——《論語》。皇疏:“無也。”⑾ 又如:絕業(已經中斷的王業);絕緒(沒有後代);絕戶計(斷絕別人子孫後代的計謀)⑿ 橫渡;穿越 [cross]絕江河,橫渡過長江黃河。絕,斷,橫渡。假舟楫者,非能水也,而絕江河。——《荀子·勸學》乃絕漳水。——《穆天子傳...
well past midnight[同] continue, go along, go on, keep, proceed [反] discontinue come to passWhat is happening? The meeting took place off without an incidence Nothing occurred that seemed important[同] come about, fall out, go on, hap, happen, occur, pass, pass off, take place ...
在學院學習期間,他拍攝了四部短片,《豬》(Le Cochon)、《隔離》(La Partition)、《不再延續的道路》(Trajet Discontinue)和《小老鼠》(La Petite Souris),為他贏得了一些國際電影節的獎項。在1997年畢業之後,他決定在孟買和巴黎之間往返工作,並自編自導了第一部長片《讓風吹過》(Have Aney Dey),影片發揮...
1910年,勒貝格發表題為“關於不連續函式的積分”(Sur I’intégrationdes fonctions discontinues)的重要專題報告。在這裡他不僅把積分、微分理論推廣於n維空間,而且引入了可數可加集合函式的概念(定義于勒貝格可測集類上),指出這些函式是定義在集合類上的有界變差函式。正是因為對於有界變差與可加性概念之間聯繫的...
prorogue,英語單詞,主要用作動詞,作動詞時譯為“休會”。 [1]外文名 prorogue 詞性 動詞 英式發音 [prəʊˈrəʊɡ] 美式發音 [proʊˈroʊɡ] 目錄 1單詞用法 2雙語例句 單詞用法 播報 編輯 prorogue /prəˈrəʊɡ/ 1.V to discontinue the meetings of (a legislative body)...
[discontinue ones studies] 中途停止上學。4.輟演 chuò yǎn [stop performing] 停止演出[戲劇、技藝等]5.輟止 chuò zhǐ [stop doing sth.] 中止;小孩擦擦淚,輟止了哭聲。古籍解釋 康熙字典 【酉集下】【車字部】輟 〔古文〕𨌸《廣韻》陟劣切《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》株劣切,並音啜。《說文》...
[(of fields) discontinue farming and let go out of cultivation; reclaim wasteland][方]∶土地不繼續耕種,任其荒蕪 減少撂荒面積 也作“拋荒”撂交 liàojiāo [wrestling][方]∶摔交 撂手 liàoshǒu [wash one's hands of the matter; throw up (one's job)] 作罷;丟開不管 撂手甩袖 撂台 li...
客座主編,Special issue on Discontinues Deformation Analysis, ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 2015.客座主編, Special issue on Discontinues Deformation Analysis, Geomechanics and Geoengineering. An International Journal, 2013.副主編,第10屆國際非連續變形分析大會,夏威夷,美國,2011 主持國家自然...
28"Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them," he said, "but if you discontinue it, you're going to have your most loyal customers really upset with you."他說:“找到一種促進這種轉變的方式對他們來說才有意義,但如果你不繼續做下去,你將會惹怒你最忠實的...
Yinsheng Zhang, T. Kadota, T. Ohata, 2003: Land-Surface Hydrological Processes in Discontinues Permafrost Region of the Western Tibet Plateau, ICOP2003 Ishikawa, M., Zhang, Y., Kadota T. and Tetsuo Ohata, T Zhang Wanchang, Zhang Yinsheng, K. Ogawa & Y. Yamaguchi, 1999: Observation and ...
12Labour likewise wants to discontinue local planning where councils oppose development.工黨同樣希望在議會反對發展的情況下停止地方規劃。13"Very well indeed," answered he, "one night is past, the two others will pass likewise."“真的挺好的。”他回答說,“一個晚上過去了,另外兩個也會這樣過去的。
Increased ulcerogenic effect; decreased pharmacologic effect of aspirin. Conversely, salicylate toxicity may occur in patients who discontinue steroids with concurrent high-dose aspirin therapy.增加胃潰瘍的作用,阿司匹林藥理下降,相反中斷類固醇和高劑量使用阿司匹林會出現水楊酸的毒性。