



  • 外文名:directional
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式音標:[dəˈrekʃənl; daɪˈrekʃənl]
  • 美式音標:[dəˈrekʃənlˌdaɪˈrekʃənl]


英 [dəˈrekʃənl; daɪˈrekʃənl] 美 [dəˈrekʃənlˌdaɪˈrekʃənl]
adj. 方向的


directional drilling 定向鑽進;定向鑽井;定向鑽孔
directional solidification 定向凝固
directional valve 方向閥;定向閥
directional control 定向控制
solenoid directional valve 電磁換向閥
directional coupler 定向耦合器
directional derivative 方嚮導數
directional antenna 定向天線
directional control valve n. 定向控制閥
directional distribution 方向分布
directional light 平行光;定向光源;方位燈
directional filter 方向濾波器;分帶網路
directional stability 方向穩定性;航向保持性;航向穩定性
directional property 定向性;方向性


  • Unless he was equipped with a directional microphone, he was out of earshot. 除非給他配備一個定向揚聲器,否則誰也聽不見他。
  • The faint arrows, similar to the directional markings on a tactical map, are one of the rare carry-overs from his military world. 微小的箭頭類似於戰術地圖上的方向標記,是他的軍事世界中罕見的遺留物之一。
  • Jets of compressed air gave the aircraft lateral and directional stability. 壓縮氣體噴流從側面和正面穩定了機身。
  • This "directional drilling" has several advantages 這種“定向鑽取”的優勢如下
  • Bi-directional transformation of DSL models to UML models. dsl模型到uml模型的雙向轉換。
  • Bi-directional transformation of AUTOSAR UML and DSL models. AUTOSARUML和dsl模型的雙向轉換。
  • Let's say the same thing in terms of directional derivatives. 我們來用方嚮導數,來描述一下相同的東西。
  • And that's basically, yes, that's the directional derivative. 基本上是的,那就是方嚮導數。
  • A directional light doesn't have a position, only a direction. 定向光沒有位置,只有方向。
  • Well, it's actually the directional derivative in that direction. 它其實是那個方向的方嚮導數。
  • Finally, the directional light gives each side a different color. 最後,定向光使每面都具有不同的顏色。
  • User orientation sensor: directional heading from a digital compass. 方向感知:基於數碼羅盤的方向指南。
  • So there is a two-directional relationship here between the forgiver and forgiven. 因此,這是一種建立在寬恕者和被寬恕人之間的雙向關係。
  • JxtaBiDiPipe providing bi-directional pipe capabilities for passing messages between peers. JxtaBiDiPipe提供了雙向的管道能力,用於在節點之間傳遞訊息。
  • The directional derivative in a direction that's perpendicular to the gradient is basically zero. 垂直於梯度的方向上,方嚮導數為零。
  • Figure 7 shows an example of an overdrawn accounts report with a uni-directional association. 圖7顯示單向關聯的透支財務報告的一個實例。
  • WDTJ: Adam, bi-directional language support is, as I understand it, a requirement of IBM products. WDTJ:Adam,我認為雙向語言支持是IBM產品的一項需求。
  • Using a directional antenna, the device shoots data to a receiving antenna as far as 60 miles away. 利用定向天線,這種設備發射數據到遠在60英里外的接收天線。
  • And they can take directional bets by not hedging all of the marketmaking trades they do for clients. 而且,他們可以通過不完全對沖其為客戶所做的做市交易而作方向性的下注。
  • Highly directional, it USES low power and is encrypted for covert full-spectrum contingency operations. 它具有高度定向能力,功耗低,採用加密技術適合秘密全頻譜應急行動。
  • Note how some shapes and directional flow are repeated (a manifestation of translational symmetry). 要學習各種形狀和流程的重複使用(這是平移對稱的展現)。
  • As described in the paper, "a channel is a bi-directional message conduit with exactly two endpoints." 如論文裡所提到的,“通道就是有兩個端點間的雙邊信息管道。”
  • Is equipped with four steering front wheels that improve braking, handling, and directional stability. 配備了4個轉向前輪,可以提升剎車,控制的性能,以及轉向穩定性。
  • These girls are super-feminine in all their behaviours and have little or no directional or spatial ability. 這些女孩所有的行為都超級女性化,很少或根本沒有方向感和空間能力。
  • Look for the light and what it's doing in each of your images. Is it hard or soft, defuse or directional? 拍照前先確定一下光源,它是硬的還是軟的,是無向的還是有向的。
  • Distributed, featuring robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and management. 分散式的、特性豐富、具備雙向衝突檢測及管理的增量複製。
  • As with the ER model, we used EMF to implement bi-directional transformations between EAML and SA Process Models. 與ER模型一致,我們使用EMF實現EAML與SA過程模型之間的雙向轉換。
  • And,the slope is going to be the directional derivative in that direction OK, I think that's as graphicas I can get. 這個斜率就是此方向的方嚮導數,好了,我想我說的已經儘量圖形化了。
  • The young turtles, however, use the field primarily as a source of directional information for maintaining a heading. 然而,幼小的海龜主要利用磁場作為維持前進方向的信息來源。
  • A combination of a strong directional light and a weaker ambient light gives a natural-looking appearance to your scene. 由強方向性光源和較弱的環境光源組合在一起可以為你的場景提供一種自然的感觀。

