- 外文名:dignified
- 詞性:形容詞、動詞
- 英式發音:[ˈdɪɡnɪfaɪd]
- 美式發音:[ˈdɪɡnɪfaɪd]
凝重,讀音:níng zhòng,注音:ㄋㄧㄥˊ ㄓㄨㄥˋ 漢語詞語,指莊重,穩重。釋義 1、【thick】:濃重。例:凝重的烏雲。2、【dignified】:端莊;莊重。例:出入步趨,務要凝重。——《朱子全書.學一》;神態凝重。出處 《易緯...
(3) [dignified]∶端莊;嚴正 志行整飭 出處 1、整齊有序。晉 張華 《遊獵篇》:“輿徒既整飭,容服麗且妍。”清 魏源 《聖武記》卷十四:“夫水師整飭,而外洋無庇販之人,繡衣四出,黥面令行,而內地無嘗試之犯,如是而...
《melt》是2022年SennaRin演唱歌曲,收錄在專輯《Dignified》。歌曲歌詞 優しさには見えている 僕らが強くない事 知らないふりで隠した その手には 未來(あす)を握っている 優しさが溶けていく グラスの中でずっと 転...
②端莊:【拼音】:duān zhuāng ;【注音】:ㄉㄨㄢ ㄓㄨㄤ ;【英譯】:[elegant;sedate;dignified] ;【近義詞】莊重 大方 得體;【反義詞】輕浮 放蕩 邋遢;【基本解釋】端正莊重。詳細解釋 端正莊重。唐 元稹《鶯鶯傳》:“...
2022年4月13日,憑藉她的第一張EP《Dignified》首次亮相。本作由作曲家澤野弘之創作,收錄了動畫電影《銀河英雄傳說 Die Neue These 激突》的雙重主題曲《melt》和《dust》、東京電視台《THE MAKERS ~突破の條件~》的主題曲《証》...
《至尊殺手》(英文名:Dignified Killers)是一部台灣動作電影。該片1991年出品,由陳朱煌導演,謝萬益擔任動作設計,朱寶意、林威主演。基本資料 電影片名:至尊殺手 外文片名:Dignified Killers 導演:陳朱煌 動作設計:謝萬益 監製:喬湘...
Of wicked snakes inside a place you thought was dignified I don't wanna live like this, but I don't wanna die Ooh, ooh, ooh I don't wanna live like this, but I don't wanna die Within the halls of power ...
114 Solemn, dignified, classic European-style mansion 莊重大氣的古典歐式大宅 126 Extremely warm, sweet, modern American-style mansion 溫馨非常的現代美式大宅 132 Elegant, dignified grace and magnificance 典雅大氣的雍容華麗 140...
1. [conduct oneself with dignity;be self-dignified]∶謹言慎行,尊重自己的人格 2. [be self-respect]∶自珍自愛——常用作書簡套語 3. [dead weight]∶機器運輸工具或建築物承重構件等本身的重量 車皮自重 引證解釋 謹言慎行,...
A name that's peculiar and more dignified Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular Or spread out his whiskers or cherish his pride Of names of this kind I can give you a quorum Such as Munkustrap Quaxo or...
[dignified and serene]∶端莊安詳舉止~~[look sb. up and down] 仔細地看~~了半天,也沒認出是誰 引證詳解 公正全面;仔細慎重。晉潘岳 《楊荊州誄》:“庶獄明慎,刑辟端詳。”元 關漢卿 《玉鏡台》第一折:“大綱來陰陽...
Kinda far away, kinda dignified How in the world were they making that sound Velvet Underground Now you can look at that band and wonder Where all that sound was coming from With just four people there Twangy sounds ...
of freer, more socially fulfilling models for assisting the infirm and dependent elderly, and he explores the varieties of hospice care to demonstrate that a person's last weeks or months may be rich and dignified....
秋審入矜疑。——清·方苞《獄中雜記》以矜疑減等。矜重 jīnzhòng [dignified] 矜莊;自重 過於矜重 [pre]故作矜持就是說 一個人本來的本性不是這樣的,為了某些原因故意在別人面前裝得很莊重得體。現在多形容一些表里不一的人。
Big L最著名的單曲是1998年的"Ebonics",同年他還建立了自己的廠牌Flamboyant,幾乎是在同時,他加入了來自紐約Bronx的Hip Hop超級團體DITC (Diggin' in the Crates),並出現在他們的單曲"Dignified Soldiers"中。正當Big L欲登上自己...
1.ADJ Something or someone that is stately is impressive and graceful or dignified. 威嚴的; 高貴的; 有尊嚴的 短語搭配 Stately Homes 古堡系列 stately journey 堂皇的旅行 STATELY TUDOR 斯泰德利都鐸 Stately Impressive 唐哉皇...
We got a thing so dignified It don't matter if we lived in a shack Or in a shiny Cadillac It don't matter rich or poor When love is knocking at your door It feels like Christmas Just like Christmas It feels ...
dignified and true .And do unto others,as you'd have done to you .Be courageous and be brave .And in my heart you'll always stay .Forever Young, Forever Young .Forever Young, Forever Young May good fortune be ...
1.N-UNCOUNT If someone has poise, they are calm, dignified, and self-controlled. 鎮定; 鎮靜 2.V to be or cause to be balanced or suspended (使)平衡; (使)懸著 3.N the cgs unit of viscosity; the viscosity of...