- 外文名:devotedly
- 詞性:副詞
- 英式發音:[dɪˈvəʊtɪdli]
- 釋義:忠實地;一心一意地
一個心眼兒是一個漢語辭彙,讀音是yī gè xīn yǎn er,有老實專心,沒有二意和一條心兩個意思。(1) 老實專心,沒有二意。stubornly;devotedly (2)一條心。beofonemind 一般被當作貶義詞用 1、內心,如她打心眼兒里高興。2、心地或存心,如他心眼兒好。3、聰明機智,如他有心眼兒。4、對人不必要的...
loyally loyally,英語單詞,主要用作為副詞,用作副詞譯為“忠誠地;誠實地”。網路釋義 dependably 可信任地 loyally 忠誠地 devotedly 忠實地 短語搭配 drink loyally 忠實地吸收 love loyally 忠誠地愛 Die Loyally 有死無二
Devotedly watching the rise and fall of the tides 你是星夜兼程的依依行囊 You are the companion bag that travels through the starlitnight 五洲四洋有你熾熾如炬的目光 Your blazing gaze spans accross oceans 串串汗水丈量征途漫漫 Beads of sweat measure the long journey 手牽手一起走向詩和遠方 Hand ...
devotedly dutifully trustily verily 忠實地 雙語例句 The inspector dutifully recorded the date in a large red book.巡視員盡職地在一本紅色的大工作簿上記錄下了日期。Her parents and husband dutifully went to work each day but remained idle because there is no commerce in the town.她的父母以及丈夫...
The United States has already a Permanent Defence Agreement with the Do-minion of Canada, which is so devotedly attached to the British Commonwealth and Empire. This Agreement is more effective than many of those which have often been made under formal alliances. This principle should be extended...
Year after year, by meeting the requirement of the Department of Education and the institue meticulously and cautiously and by studying the methods to improve the teaching quality devotedly and prfoundly, the school enjoys pleasant and rich achievements in teaching and scientific research. For example...
trustily,英文單詞,常作副詞,譯為“誠實地,忠實地”。單詞用法 adv. 誠實地,忠實地 同近義詞 adv. 誠實地,忠實地 truthfully , genuinely 短語搭配 trustily y 忠實地 devotedly dutifully trustily verily 忠實地 雙語例句 I just use my pen and my voice to relate this history trustily.我謹以我...
《Barmherzige Schwestern》是由Annelie Runge執導,Anne Kasprik、Nina Petri、Matthias Brandt主演的一部電影。劇情簡介 This is a silent persiflage on the German medical movies of the 1950s. Nurse Marlene and her two colleagues work devotedly at the hospital, especially in the baby's section. However...