



  • 外文名:depress
  • 詞性:動詞


英 [dɪˈpres] 美 [dɪˈpres]


depress price 抑制價格
depress s 按下 ; 使經濟蕭條 ; 壓抑 ; 使不景氣
depress to 降低到


  • 1Subsidies allow growers to undercut competitors and depress world prices.補貼使得種植者能以低於競爭對手的價格出售並壓低世界價格。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The atmosphere began to depress me.氣氛開始使我感到壓抑。
  • 3Runaway inflation will depress the economy.無法控制的通貨膨脹將會使經濟蕭條。
  • 4Discharging it may depress growth for years.消化它可能多年抑制增長。
  • 5Third, expensive premiums depress workers’ wages.第三,高額的保費拉低了工人工資。
  • 6Men easily get depress and there are more men admitted in mental asylums.男人則容易沮喪,因而有較多的男人患有精神病。
  • 7Others—it is feared—displace local skills and depress wages at the bottom.另一些人——讓人們擔心——不但替換了當地技藝,而且壓低了底層職業的工資水平。
  • 8The downward spiral in confidence is likely to depress growth even further.市場信心的下滑可能會進一步拖累經濟成長。
  • 9Unhappiness does not only depress your mood, it also negatively affects your health.憂慮不僅讓你心情沮喪,也損害你的健康。
  • 10That would mean shifting more costs into Australian operations to depress reported profits.這將意味著這些公司將花費更多的成本到澳大利亞業務中去壓低他們報告的收益。
  • 11Am I trying to depress you by reminding you of everything that you don't have in your life?我在提醒你、打擊你—這一切你都沒有?
  • 12My sense is the risk of rising rates (which depress bond prices) over the next six months is minimal.我認為,在未來六個月中加息(債券價格將受打擊)的可能性很小。
  • 13Moreover, the existing evidence suggests that low starting wages can depress wages for quite some time.另外,現有跡象表明起薪低可能導致長時間內工資都不會上漲。
  • 14This is expected to depress Drax's profits as it must compete with gas plants which are cheaper to run.這就拉低了Drax的利潤,因為它必須和那些運營成本低的燃氣工廠競爭。
  • 15Yes, you could use a nasal spray to depress it for a while. But there are some problems with the sprays是的,你可以用鼻塞噴劑暫時緩解症狀,但是噴劑常會帶來些問題
  • 16"Negative equity will trigger new foreclosures, and that will add to inventory and depress prices," Humphries said.“負資產將會引發新的止贖,並且會增加庫存和打壓價格,”Humphries說。
  • 17She had 416mg of alcohol per decilitre in her blood, enough to make her comatose and depress her respiratory system.其血液內每分升含有416毫克酒精,這足以使她昏迷不醒,抑制其呼吸系統。
  • 18He does have one exceptional ability: he can detect a hot button a mile away and depress it with remarkable accuracy.他確實有一個例外的能力:他在一英里以外就可以感覺到他人的情緒變化,並能很精準地挑起他人的怒氣。
  • 19Huge subsidies depress the world price in cotton, taking income away from poor producers in West Africa and elsewhere.高額補貼導致全球棉花價格低靡,使得西非和其他地區的貧困棉農遭受收入損失。
  • 20Foreclosures tend to depress housing values for entire neighborhoods, and lower assessed values mean lower tax receipts.喪失住房贖回權一般會降低整個地區的房屋價值,而房屋評估價值降低就意味著房產稅減少。
  • 21Junior executives have their own worry: that limiting compensation at senior levels will depress pay throughout the ranks.初級經理們還有他們的擔心:對高管們的賠償限制水平會壓縮他們這階層的薪水。
  • 22But it is spared the deep structural problems, such as excessive debt, which could depress growth elsewhere for several years.好在它未受到深度結構問題如過度負債的困擾,因為過度負債會導致幾年的經濟蕭條。
  • 23Many people fear that turbines will instantly depress the value of property nearby, even if it enriches those whose land is used.儘管渦輪機富裕了土地被占用的那些民眾,但是許多人擔心渦輪機會不斷地抑制附近地區的財產價值。
  • 24And diets that are high in saturated fat appear to actually depress the body's immune response, increasing the risk of infections.而飽和脂肪含量高的飲食似乎會抑制人體的免疫反應,增加感染風險。


