- 外文名:dependant
- 詞性:名詞
- 1My woune son is still a dependant .我的小兒子還是一個受撫養者。
- 2Often, file system paths are operating system dependant.檔案系統路徑通常依賴於作業系統。
- 3As mentioned earlier, the cache is also context dependant.如前所述,快取也依賴於上下文。
- 4This will break scripts dependant on the private-public key pair.這會破壞依賴於公私密鑰對的腳本。
- 5It would be self-sustaining and not dependant on other countries.它將自給自足,不依賴其他國家。
- 6ELIZABETH CALEEBER: He's going to be dependant on you know me for all his life.伊莉莎白·卡莉·柏爾:最大的挑戰恐怕是他這一生都必須依靠我了。
- 7This process also builds any dependant JAR files and packages them appropriately.此流程還將相應地構建任何依賴性JAR檔案和包。
- 8The organization is dependant on amain competitive advantage, the retail of coffee.該組織依賴於一個主要的競爭優勢,即零售咖啡。
- 9This environment is used as an initial test bed for new releases of dependant software.這一環境用作新版本的相關軟體的最初測試基礎。
- 10By adding a dependant plug-in, Eclipse knows which plug-ins to load before your plug-in.通過添加依賴外掛程式,Eclipse就知道了在載入您的外掛程式之前應該載入哪些外掛程式。
- 11So again you can use these broker attributes to provide environment-dependant configuration.同樣,您可以使用這些代理屬性來提供與環境相關的配置。
- 12One's materialistic happiness is dependant on one's economic success, though not completely.一方面,一個人的物質幸福依賴於經濟上的成功,儘管不是完全依賴。
- 13Your building and maintenance costs are dependant, to a great extent, on how deep your pond is.你的建設和維修費用供養,在很大程度上,就如何深,你的池塘。
- 14If you choose this option, be sure that you have the correct version of the dependant applications.如果您選擇該選項,確保全裝了必要應用程式的正確版本。
- 15Non-portable. They are services that, once your application is dependant upon, you are “locked in.”它們是那種一旦套用依賴上,就“無法擺脫” 的服務。
- 16Bindings have no names and are dependant on the lifecycle of the exchange and queue they tie together.綁定器沒有名字,它們的生命期依賴於所緊密連線的交換器和佇列。
- 17Data loading is, for the purpose of this analysis, dependant on DB2, which is the default MDM database platform.為實現這個分析的目的,數據載入依賴DB 2——默認的MDM資料庫平台。
- 18With it shall come your release from being dependant on out dated methods of travel, medicine and food production.隨著它,你們將從依賴這些過時的旅遊方式,藥品和食品生產中解脫出來。
- 19So, on the linguistical level it's clear that process sentences cannot be made dependant on a surface grammatical subject.在語言學角度,很明顯過程性的句子,不能依靠一個語法上的主語。
- 20The adoption of this technology is highly dependant on the roles and revenue models a business entity may decide to deploy.這項技術的採用高度依賴於商業實體在其所在行業中的角色及其收入模式。
- 21This will dictate whether the "From" date or the "To" date will be utilized when setting the KEYDATE for time-dependant hierarchies.在為依賴時間的層次結構設定KEYDATE時,這將描述無論是From日期還是To日期都將被利用。
- 22The soreceive function makes the protocol-dependant requests when either the MSG_OOB flag is set or when the data reception is complete.當設定MSG_OOB標誌時或數據接收完成後,soreceive函式進行與協定相關的請求。
- 23The first order of business, after the new plug-in wizard has done its magic, is to add the core FIT Eclipse plug-in as a dependant plug-in.在完成了新外掛程式嚮導後,第一步要進行的工作是添加核心 FIT Eclipse 外掛程式作為依賴外掛程式。
- 24Often empowered by Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, PMs find themselves increasingly dependant on domain-specific expertise.由於經常得到項目管理專業人員(Project Management Professional, PMP)認證的授權,PM發現他們逐漸依賴於具體領域的專家經驗了。