



  • 外文名:defining
  • 詞性:形容詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:[dɪˈfaɪnɪŋ]
  • 美式發音:[dɪˈfaɪnɪŋ]
  • 釋義:最典型的;起決定性作用的


英 [dɪˈfaɪnɪŋ] 美 [dɪˈfaɪnɪŋ]
adj. 最典型的;起決定性作用的
v. 規定(define 的 ing 形式);給……下定義;表明特徵


defining moment 決定性時刻;關鍵性時刻
defining characteristics 界定性徵
The Defining Moment 沸騰冰點 ; 決定性的時刻羅斯福百日與勝利希望
defining length 定義距
Defining Issues Test 確定問題測驗
Defining vocabulary 釋義辭彙 ; 釋義詞 ; 英語中的定義單詞 ; 釋義辭彙
Longman Defining Vocabulary 朗文釋義辭彙 ; 義詞表
Defining Refactoring 何謂重構
defining equation [數] 定義方程
defining fixed point 定義固定點 ; 界說固定點
Move Defining Point 移動定義點 ; 移動片體的定義點 ; 移動界說點


  • You can rotate your square by defining how you draw your object. 您可以通過定義對象的繪製方式來旋轉您的正方形。
  • Rules defining and regulating telemedicine differ widely from state to state. 界定和管理遠程醫療的規則因州而異。
  • It's a sketch is a way of getting started on defining your characters' personalities. 素描是一種開始定義你的角色性格的方式。
  • The court's ruling is legally sound in defining a kind of favoritism that is not criminal. 法院的裁決定義了一種不構成犯罪的偏袒,這在法律上是合理的。
  • Avoiding these features is important for defining and maintaining interpersonal relationships. 對於界定及維護人際關係來說,規避這些特性很重要。
  • Males gained entry to the business of recording, defining and interpreting events in the third millennium B.C. 在公元前3000年,男性開始從事記錄、定義和解釋事件的工作。
  • Today, we will be covering the Upper Paleolithic Period, which I am roughly defining as the period from 35,000 to 8,000 BC. 今天,我們將涵蓋舊石器時代晚期,我大致定義為公元前35000年到公元前8000年。
  • Although the bounding box is a polygon defining the area represented for the user, I simplify and use one point of this data. 儘管這個邊界框是一個用於定義表示用戶的區域的多邊形,但我簡化並使用該數據的一個點。
  • The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as they used to be. 定義人類智力的術語似乎仍然是IQ分數,儘管 IQ測試的過程已經和過去不同。
  • Attempts to identify New Guinean's hunter-gatherers face the well-known difficulty of defining what constitutes a hunter-gather group. 試圖確定紐幾內亞的狩獵者和採集者面臨著一個眾所周知的難題:界定什麼是狩獵者-採集者群體。
  • The whole point of defining this familiar process as transmission of memes is so that we can explore its analogy with the transmission of genes. 將這個熟悉的過程定義為模因傳播的關鍵是我們可以探索它與基因傳播的類比。
  • Defining what it means to be a good parent is undoubtedly very tricky, particularly since children respond differently to the same style of parenting. 定義好父母的內涵無疑非常困難,特別是因為孩子們對同樣的育兒風格有不同的反應。
  • Having identified this fundamental unit, Shannon set about defining otherwise vague ideas about information and how to transmit it from place to place. 確定了這個基本單位後,香農開始定義關於信息及如何將信息從一處傳到另一處的模糊概念。
  • Economic inequality is the "defining challenge of our time", President Barack Obama declared in a speech last month to the Center for American Progress. 美國總統巴拉克·歐巴馬上月在美國發展中心的一次演講中宣稱,經濟不平等是“我們這個時代的決定性挑戰”。
  • As Yale law professor Anne Alstott argues, justifying parental support depends on defining the family as a social good that, in some sense, society must pay for. 正如耶魯大學法學教授安妮·奧爾斯托特所指出的那樣,要證明父母支持子女的合理性,就必須將家庭定義為一種社會公益,而在某種意義上,社會必須為此買單。
  • Downloading and consuming culture requires great skills, but failing to move beyond downloading is to strip oneself of a defining constituent of humanity. 下載並享受文學作品需要很高的技巧,但如果僅限於下載的話,那么就等於剝奪了下載者自身作為人類的一種重要能力。
  • Intserv is a framework for defining services. 綜合服務是一個定義服務的框架。
  • Defining the system structure. 定義系統結構。
  • Defining hooks for standard events. 定義標準事件的掛鈎。
  • Let's begin by defining some terms. 讓我們以定義一些術語為開始。
  • Defining the word theory is tricky. 要定義“理論”這個詞是很棘手的。
  • Defining your Strategy is next. 接下來得確定你的戰略。
  • We will start by defining the service. 我們將首先定義該服務。
  • Defining software engineering — again! 再一次,定義軟體工程學!
  • Defining "happiness" is difficult. 幸福難以道明。
  • Now let's start defining some security. 現在,讓我們開始定義安全性。
  • Is that defining what's true friendship? 那能否界定真正的友情?
  • Preparing and defining the strategy. 準備和確定戰略。
  • Defining standard stream query languages. 定義流查詢語言的標準。
  • Defining a version or timestamp property. 定義一個版本或時間戳屬性。


