



  • 外文名:defamatory
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[dɪˈfæmətri]
  • 美式發音:[dɪˈfæmətɔːri]
  • 釋義:誹謗的;中傷的;破壞名譽的


defamatory /dɪˈfæmətərɪ/
1.ADJ Speech or writing that is defamatory is likely to damage someone's good reputation by saying something bad and untrue about them. 誹謗的 [正式]


defamatory libel[法] 誹謗名譽 ; 翻譯
defamatory book 誹謗他人的書
Defamatory Statement 誹謗性言論
defamatory coverage 誹謗報導 ; 誹謗性報導
defamatory matter 誹謗事件 ; 翻譯
defamatory writer 以中傷別人為能事的作者
nature of defamatory communication 毀謗之性質
slanderous or defamatory 誹謗或中傷的


  • The article was highly defamatory. 這篇文章充滿誹謗。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • Questions cannot be defamatory; only statements can. 這些問題並不是誹謗。只有完整的陳述才能構成誹謗。
  • Was there a defamatory statement? Was there a defamation? 這是流言蜚語嗎?這是誹謗嗎?
  • The public prosecutor is seeking legal advice on whether the book may be defamatory. 檢察機關正蒐集相關法律依據,要指控此書是否已涉及誹謗。
  • He was to be charged with publishing a defamatory statement against the police, the paper said. 他將以發表誹謗警察的聲明被指控,該報說。
  • Courts often view workers' statements as disloyal when they are defamatory and are not supported by facts. 如果工人名聲不好或者所說的與事實不符,法庭通常會認為工人的陳述是不實的。
  • Courts often view workers' statements as disloyal when they are defamatory and are not supported by facts. Mr. 如果工人名聲不好或者所說的與事實不符,法庭通常會認為工人的陳述是不實的。
  • Posting defamatory content online — whether on sites like Facebook or elsewhere on the Internet — can also constitute harassment. 網上發布誹謗的內容-不論是像FACEBOOK還是其它線上的網站,也會充斥著騷擾。
  • He said they are part of a campaign by a publication he did not name, but which he claimed it's known for its defamatory methods. 他說他們是那次運動的一部分,而他卻沒有道出領導人的名字,但他聲稱這是因中傷的方法而聞名。
  • Claimants would seek orders blocking access to websites alleged to contain defamatory allegations or private and confidential information. 原告會尋找因網站中含有誹謗指控和隱秘信息而被禁止訪問的命令。
  • Schillings have warned the websites that repetition of Murray's allegations were regarded as "false, indefensible and grossly defamatory". 謝林已經警告過那些轉載莫里文章的網站,他說這些文章充滿著“謊言、不可證實和嚴重的誹謗。”
  • Here it is: "As we've said from the beginning, it's sad that someone would fabricate such a malicious, defamatory, and demonstrably false claim." 聲明如下:“就像我們一開始所說的那樣,有人偽造這樣一個惡意的、誹謗性質、很顯然是虛假的控訴是件很悲哀的事情。”
  • Here it is: "As we've said from the beginning, it's sad that someone would fabricate such a malicious, defamatory, and demonstrably false claim." 聲名如下:“就像咱們一開始所說的那樣,有人假造這樣一個惡意的、詆毀性質、很顯然是虛假的控告是件很悲哀的事件。”
  • Poor Richard responded that all of these defamatory protestations indicated that the real Leeds must indeed be dead and his new almanac a hoax by someone else. 窮查理由這些誹謗性的斷言指出,真正的Leeds已經死了,而這份年鑑的作者肯定是冒Leeds之名所作。
  • Under English libel law, a plaintiff must prove only that material is defamatory; the defendant then has to justify it, usually on grounds of truth or fairness. 根據英國誹謗法,原告必須首先證明實質性證據的確是污衊性的,然後被告才說明是否合理,一般必須秉持真實性或公平性。
  • Anyone anywhere in the world who can prove that someone in England has bought, read or downloaded potentially defamatory material about them can start a court case. 任何人,不論在世界的任何角落,只要能夠證明有人在英格蘭購買、閱讀或者下載有可能破壞他們名譽的材料,就可以提起訴訟。
  • Outside of the public eye, Harry's statement also revealed that the royals have been involved in "nightly legal battles to keep defamatory stories out of the papers." 哈里王子的聲明中還透露了不為公眾所知的信息,王室成員也被卷進來,“為阻止誹謗文章見報而每晚展開法律博弈”。
  • The Baghdad court delivered its judgment on Tuesday, ignoring expert testimony from three senior members of the Iraqi journalists' union that Abdul-Ahad's article was not defamatory. 巴格達的法庭在星期二作出判決,無視伊拉克新聞工作者聯合會三個資深成員的專家證詞,證詞認為Abdul - Ahad's的文章並沒有誹謗。
  • In some countries, media defendants may mitigate or reduce their damages by demonstrating that they promptly published a full and fair retraction of the false and defamatory material. 在有些國家,新聞界的被告有可能通過證明他們立即發布了完整與合理的更正,取消了原先的不實毀譽之詞,從而減輕了或減少了傷害。
  • A class action against the site is still being threatened by reputation management service Kwikchex - covering alleged defamatory reviews by users on hotel, vacation rental and destination pages. TripAdvisor已遭到由網譽管理服務公司Kwikchex發起的共同起訴——後者專門報導酒店、度假租賃和目的地網站上的用戶中傷評論。


