



  • 外文名:dedicate
  • 詞性:動詞


英 [ˈdedɪkeɪt] 美 [ˈdedɪkeɪt]


to dedicate 貢獻 ; 奉獻
Dedicate yourself 獻給自己
dedicate richly 隆重地奉獻
dedicate solemnly 莊嚴地奉獻
Dedicate Bandwidth 交換器則提供獨立
present dedicate 恭敬地送上
dedicate e 奉獻 ; 獻身 ; 獻給 ; 貢獻
Dedicate Server 獨享伺服器 ; 專用伺服器


  • 1She vowed to herself that she would dedicate her life to scientific studies.她默默地發誓要獻身於科學研究。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 2Dedicate a small shelf or a drawer to lunch things and kit it out with the basics.貢獻出一個小架子或一個抽屜來裝午餐材料,將基本用品裝備齊全。
  • 3If working from home becomes permanent, employees will have to dedicate part of their private space to work.如果遠程辦公變得長期且固定,員工們不得不將部分私人空間用於工作。
  • 4There is no doubt that the best prize in life is the opportunity to dedicate to a cause worthy of dedication.毫無疑問,生命最好的獎品就是有機會從事值得奉獻的事業。
  • 5Boys in Switzerland and Portugal were least likely to dedicate two hours a day to sitting in front of a computer.瑞士和葡萄牙的男孩最不可能每天花兩個小時坐在電腦前。
  • 6We do not doubt that teachers who also coach face serious tradeoffs that likely come at the expense of time they could dedicate to their academic obligations.我們不懷疑,同時兼任教練的教師也面臨著嚴肅的權衡,也許是以犧牲時間為代價,他們原本可以把這些時間用於完成學術義務。
  • 7To my father I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude.我謹以此書獻給我的父親,以表示對他的愛戴和感激之情。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 8To her I dedicate this book.我把這本書獻給她。
  • 9Dedicate a song to them.為他們獻歌一首。
  • 10I hope you will dedicate this day too.我希望你也會獻出這一天。
  • 11I dedicate today to minimalist health.我獻出今天來達到簡易健康。
  • 12Dedicate your work to be used for God's purposes.讓神在他的旨意中使用你的工作。
  • 13I dedicate this, my last editorial to an extraordinary woman.我把自己最後一篇評論,獻給這位偉大的女士。
  • 14How much memory you'd like to dedicate to the DB2 instance?您想將多少記憶體用於DB 2實例?
  • 15You cannot dedicate processing resources to single partitions.無法將處理資源專用於單個分區。
  • 16I dedicate this speech to the memory of these women and children.我將這片講話獻給我記憶中的這些婦女和兒童。
  • 17Instead of watching television, dedicate that time to meditation.請把看電視的時間用來投入去思考。
  • 18Dedicate it, consecrate it, hallow it, and then God will bless it.把它獻給神,當作祭物分別為聖獻給神,然後,神就賜福給你了。
  • 19To dedicate a collective song to the fight against hunger in the world.為戰勝世界飢餓的鬥爭奉獻一首集體頌歌。
  • 20I would like to dedicate the song to the lady sitting right over there.我想把這首歌獻給坐在那邊的女士。
  • 21Backend resources can be the hardest to dedicate to performance testing.也許最大的困難是把後端資源專用於性能測試。
  • 22Decide in advance how much time you want to dedicate to doing something.事先就想清楚你將會花多長時間去完成某事。
  • 23Prior to the game, each side chooses to whom they will dedicate the ball.比賽進行之前,參賽雙方首先要決定將把球奉獻給哪位死者。
  • 24Dedicate at least an hour a day to reading up on your respected industry.每天至少花一個小時的時間去了解你所仰慕的行業。
  • 25To my teacher I dedicate this dictionary in token of affection and gratitude.我謹以此詞典獻給我的老師,以表示對他的愛戴和感激之情。
  • 26However, a married Gemini man would dedicate his time wholly to his spouse.然而,結婚之後的雙子男人會把時間花在妻子身上。
  • 27Note: The rest of the article will dedicate to 32-bit memory architecture only.注意: 本文的後續部分只針對 32 位記憶體體系結構。
  • 28I like to work with people who are honest, dedicate to their work and have integrity.我喜歡和誠實、對工作投入、為人正直的人一起工作。


