- 外文名:decollation
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[dɪkɑ'leʃən]
- 釋義:殺頭;斷頭;斷頭術
decollation bolt 斷頭螺栓
decollation E 分割 ; 斷頭術
decollation å 分割
decollation Ņ 斷頭術
decollation test 斷頭試驗
decapitate decollate decollation 殺頭
This paper mainly studies effects of stick cotton on productivity, decollation and quality during the spinning processes, and try to solve corresponding problems.探討粘性棉在紡紗加工過程中對生產效率、斷頭和產品質量的影響,及解決粘性棉問題所採取的相應措施。
METHOD the effect of the decoction of Fructus Corni Officinalis and the extraction at different locations on the breathing time of mice after their decollation was observed.方法觀察山茱萸水煎液及各提取部位對小鼠斷頭後喘氣時間的影響。
RESULTS: The decollation and coherence of the tissue block and the cell growth rate of the tissue block enzymolytic group are better than that of the tissue block group and enzymolyfic group.結果:組織塊酶消化法中組織塊解離、貼附和細胞游出狀況均優於單純組織塊法或單純酶消化法,成功率較高。