- 外文名:declarer
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[dɪ'kleərə(r)]
- 美式發音:[dɪ'klɛrɚ]
《Golden Rules of Declarer Play》是2001年出版的圖書,作者是Smith, Mark。內容簡介 Who needs rules on how to play as a declarer? The truth is that the instincts people have come to depend upon are often honed from a few basic guidelines. This book provides all those guidelines as well as ...
Challenge Your Declarer Play at Bridge 《Challenge Your Declarer Play at Bridge》是Master Point Pr出版的圖書,作者是Roth, Danny
莊家(DECLARER)做出最終實質叫牌的一方,其首先叫出該定約名目者,當首引牌張翻明後,即成為莊家(但若為越序首引時參閱第54條A款)規則1999版 1999中國橋牌協會審定 規則要領 本規則明確指出了正確的程式,並於發生偏差時提供切實補救措施。違規賽員對裁判依照規則所作的任何判罰,或任何調整,均須欣然接受。
declaredly declaredly,英語單詞,主要用作副詞,作副詞時譯為“公然地”。同近義詞 publicly,openly 單詞釋義 公然地 ...declared公告的declaredly公然地declarer宣言者...
Bolts 不僅可以接收訊息,也可以像Spout 一樣發射多條訊息流,可以使用OutputFieldsDeclarer.declareStream 定義Stream,使用OutputCollector.emit 來選擇要發射的Stream。在編程接口上,Bolt 類中最終需要的方法是execute()方法,該方法的參數就是輸入Tuple,Bolt 使用OutputCollector 傳送訊息tuple,Bolt 對於每個處理過的...
The partner in bridge who exposes his or her hand to be played by the declarer.明手:橋牌中定約人的搭檔,即把所持牌亮出的人 The hand thus exposed.明手牌:明手亮出的一手牌 Computer Science A character or other piece of information entered into a computer only to meet prescribed conditions,...
Here is a collection of problems, mostly very simple ones, that gave a variety of players, mostly "intermediate" but including occasional beginners and experts, some trouble. You won't find bidding problems worthy of the Master Solvers' Club (a monthly Bridge World feature), declarer-play prob...
to take account of the vagaries of match-point scoring. A small shift in emphasis can make a big difference to results. In this book Australian expert Ron Klinger shows you how to do it. There are five sections covering constructive bidding, competitive bidding, opening leads, declarer play ...
undertrick,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,意為宕墩(指莊家未能完成定約時所宕掉的牌墩)。單詞釋義 ... Underruff 將牌低吃 Undertrick 宕墩 Unfaced hand 未攤明的暗牌 ...單詞用法 N a trick by which a declarer falls short of making his contract 宕墩(莊家未能完成約定宕掉的牌墩) [bridge]
crossruff,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“同一方的人互相出王牌;互出贏礅”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 crossruff /ˈkrɒsˌrʌf/ 1.N the alternate trumping of each other's leads by two partners, or by declarer and dummy 互動王吃 2.V to trump alternately in two hands...
Short and full of practical examples, each book in the 'Bridge Technique Series' takes the reader through the most important aspects of card-play technique at bridge. Where appropriate, play is examined from the point of view both of declarer and defenders. Full of quizzes and chapter reviews...
on a number of books with the late Terence Reese, and this one pays homage to a man who was certainly the best bridge writer of his time. One of Reese's classics "Play These Hands With Me" pioneered the 'over-the-shoulder' style of bridge writing. What that book did for declarer ...
《The Bridge World's Test Your Play》是Master Point Pr出版的圖書,作者是Rubens, Jeff 內容簡介 North America's oldest and most prestigious bridge magazine, The Bridge World features a monthly column entitled 'Test your Play', which presents difficult problems in declarer play for readers to solve...
Unit 4 Inspection Declarer Unit 5 The Inspection of Entry & Exit Goods Module Three Customs Declaration Unit 1 Customs Declaration and Customs Management Unit 2 Customs Declaration Units and Customs Declarer Unit 3 Goods under Customs Control and Customs Declaration Procedure Unit 4 Goods under Tariff...
Short and full of practical examples, each book in the 'Bridge Technique Series' takes the reader through the most important aspects of card-play technique at bridge. Where appropriate, play is examined from the point of view both of declarer and defenders. Full of quizzes and chapter reviews...