



  • 外文名:dagger
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ˈdæɡə(r)];美[ˈdæɡər] 
  • 類別:英語單詞


Dagger Mastery匕首精通 ; 匕首專精 ; 匕首精曉 ; 匕首掌握
Spectral Dagger幽鬼之刃
Dagger Stare棘刺光環 ; 刀陣


  • 1He drew his dagger and turned to face his pursuers.他拔出匕首並且轉過身去面對追他的人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The cloak and dagger dangles大衣和短劍懸掛著。
  • 3Peter felt for his dagger till his hand gripped it.彼得伸手去摸他的匕首,直到他的手抓住它。
  • 4It appeared to be an ancient dagger, angling in the air.看上去是把古代短劍,它懸在空中。
  • 5The curator entered the darkest part of the basement to search for the dagger.館長走進地下室最黑暗的地方去尋找短劍。
  • 6"Oh, dastard hand," Peter said, and he raised the arrow to use it as a dagger.“噢,你這個懦弱的人。”彼得說,他舉起箭來,準備把它當匕首用。
  • 7He supposed she was; and he took a step towards the sleeping child with his dagger upraised.他認為她是;他舉著匕首向睡著的孩子走了一步。
  • 8She was released from prison in a cloak and dagger operation yesterday.她昨天在一個秘密的行動中被釋出獄。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9The cloak and dagger dangles.大衣和短劍掛進衣櫥。
  • 10The victim was stabbed with a dagger.受害者為一把短劍所傷。
  • 11Is that a dagger that I see before me?我眼前看到的是一把刀嗎?
  • 12The victim was stabbed with a dagger .受害者為一把短劍所傷。
  • 13The bad news is a dagger to his heart.這條壞訊息刺痛了他的心。
  • 14Is this a dagger which I see before me?我眼前見得就是這把短劍嗎?
  • 15Well, is this a dagger l see before me?在我眼前的是把短劍嗎?
  • 16The big man stabbed at the guard with a dagger.那彪形大漢用刀猛刺衛兵。
  • 17He drew his dagger and brandished it at his enemy.他拔出短劍,並向敵人揮舞。
  • 18Don't promise easily as this will be your life's dagger.輕易承諾將會是你最大的致命傷。
  • 19He might well be a broken thing, but Theon still wore a dagger.他可能殘缺不堪,但是席恩依舊帶著一把。
  • 20This cavern knows no philosophers; its dagger has never cut a pen.這窟窖不知道有哲學,它的尖刀從來沒有削過一支筆。
  • 21Throw the dagger if they are using cheetah form, but it is probably gg.在他們使用豹守的時候對他們丟飛刀,但是很可能就是GG了。
  • 22You might be Affric Silver-Arrow, Affric Flame-Spear, Affric Spinning-Dagger.難道你是銀箭亞弗里克,火矛亞弗里克,旋刀亞弗里克?
  • 23Forget yourself once more simple, not dirty not hide a dagger behind a smile.忘了自己曾經多單純,不會髒話不會笑裡藏刀。
  • 24I always wanted to do the killing part. 'Is that a dagger that I see before me?我一直想扮演刺客,我面前看到的是柄短劍嗎?
  • 25A dagger is a sign used in printing to draw the reader's attention to something.劍號是印刷中的一種符號,用來引起讀者對某一點的注意。
  • 26Forget yourself once more beautiful, not dirty, do not hide a dagger behind a smile.忘了自己曾經多美好,不會髒話,不會笑裡藏刀。
  • 27Dagger Lake is full of islands where they lurk in hidden caves and secret strongholds.達格湖裡的眾多島嶼是他們的聚居點和藏身地。
  • 28"I wonder what the pirates of Dagger Lake will make of our dwarf?" Haldon said as they rode on.“我在想達戈湖的海盜會拿我們的侏儒怎么辦?”騎行期間哈爾頓說。


