conviction of richard nixon

conviction of richard nixon

《conviction of richard nixon》是2008年5月Random House US出版的圖書,作者是James Reston Jr.


  • 書名:conviction of richard nixon
  • 作者:James Reston Jr. 編
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780307394903 


The Watergate scandal began with a break-in at the office ofthe Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Hotel on June17, 1971, and ended when President Gerald Ford granted Richard M.Nixon a pardon on September 8, 1974, one month after Nixon resignedfrom office in disgrace. Effectively removed from the reach ofprosecutors, Nixon returned to California, uncontrite andunconvicted, convinced that time would exonerate him of anywrongdoing and certain that history would remember his greataccomplishments—the opening of China and the winding down of theVietnam War—and forget his “mistake,” the “pipsqueak thing” calledWatergate.
In 1977, three years after his resignation, Nixon agreed to aseries of interviews with television personality David Frost.Conducted over twelve days, they resulted in twenty-eight hours oftaped material, which were aired on prime-time television andwatched by more than 50 million people worldwide. Nixon, a skilledlawyer by training, was paid $1 million for the interviews,confident that this exposure would launch him back into publiclife. Instead, they sealed his fate as a political pariah.
James Reston, Jr., was David Frost’s Watergate advisor for theinteriews, and The Conviction of Richard Nixon is his intimate,behind-the-scenes account of his involvement. Originally written in1977 and published now for the first time, this book helped inspirePeter Morgan’s hit play Frost/Nixon. Reston doggedly researched thevoluminous Watergate record and worked closely with Frost todevelop the interrogation strategy. Even at the time, Restonrecognized the historical importance of the Frost/Nixon interviews;they would result either in Nixon’s de facto conviction andvindication for the American people, or in his exoneration andpublic rehabilitation in the hands of a lightweight. Focused,driven, and committed to exposing the truth, Reston workedtirelessly to arm Frost with the information he needed to forceNixon to admit his culpability.
In The Conviction of Richard Nixon, Reston provides afascinating, fly-on-the-wall account of his involvement in theNixon interviews as David Frost’s Watergate adviser. Written in1977 immediately following these celebrated television interviewsand published now for the first time, The Conviction of RichardNixon explains how a British journalist of waning consequencedrove the famously wily and formidable Richard Nixon to say, in anapparent personal epiphany, “I have impeached myself.”
From the Hardcover edition.

