



  • 外文名:condense
  • 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 單詞發音:英[kənˈdens]美[kənˈdens]




condense dye凝聚性染料
condense utility壓縮實用程式
Static condense靜凝聚
condense steam使蒸汽凝結
Condense rich減少了有硬塊的風險
condense estimation壓縮估計
magnetism condense磁凝聚
colloid condense膠體凝結
vector condense向量壓縮


  • 1When you summarize, you condense an extended idea or argument into a sentence or more in your own words.總結的時候,用自己的話把拓展了的觀念或論據簡縮成一句或幾句話。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2If some reefs are destroyed by storms, starfish populations that inhabited those reefs would have to condense and concentrate on the reefs that are left.如果一些珊瑚礁被風暴摧毀了,居住在那些珊瑚礁上的海星種群將不得不集中在剩下的珊瑚礁上。
  • 3The arch-fiend whispered him to condense into a small compass.大惡魔低聲說他凝結成一個小指南針。
  • 4The objective is to cyclize and condense with different aromatic aldehydes to synthesize a series of aurones.目的是與不同的芳香醛進行環合和縮合,以合成一系列的金酮。
  • 5Condense it if necessary.必要時濃縮新聞。
  • 6It's what's going to condense first.它首先凝結下來。
  • 7And re-condense it, and make a new liquid.然後重新凝結,得到液體。
  • 8Astronomers know these condense into planets and asteroids.而天文學家知道這些雲狀物最終將凝結成大小行星。
  • 9He managed to condense his letter of application to one page.他設法將他的申請信壓縮成一頁。
  • 10If you lower the temperature, you condense and get the liquid.如果降低溫度,氣體凝結得到液體。
  • 11Stuff in the gas phase now wants to condense down into the liquid.氣相中的物質現在想壓縮,下降到液體。
  • 12You take that gas phase mixture, and you condense it in your condenser.然後用這新得到的氣相混合物,在冷凝器中冷凝。
  • 13So I spent hours vaporizing water and watching it condense on a copper plate.所以我花大量的時間將水汽化,再觀察它在銅盤中凝結成水珠的過程。
  • 14Can take a group a couple of evenings to itemize, condense and prioritize.這個問題,可以花費一個小組幾天晚上去列表,提煉和排序。
  • 15It forces you to condense who you are into a relatively small about of space.這個小框強迫你濃縮你的自我介紹。
  • 16If there were, we could condense an MBA into a single blog post and all get back to work.如果真有這種妙招,我們完全可以把工商管理碩士課程壓縮了發在一個部落格里,然後大家都回去各乾各的。
  • 17As the atoms continue to drift through space, they cool and condense into dust grains.原子繼續在太空里漂移,冷卻壓縮成塵埃顆粒。
  • 18It's worth the trouble to bring similar elements together, and then condense the stylings.將相似元素放在一起,然後壓縮樣式,這樣做非常值得。
  • 19Mixed with smoke, the air rises high enough for its water vapor to condense and form clouds.熱氣加上煙霧升得很高,足使水蒸氣變成雲。
  • 20The water molecules will eventually evaporate, condense, and recycle back to Earth as precipitation.水分子會蒸發,凝結,形成降水,重新進入地球的水循環系統。
  • 21If the pressure gets too high they have sprays that will condense the bubble in the pressuriser.如果壓力太高了,這會有噴霧劑,會壓縮增壓器的氣泡。
  • 22The very features created to both protect and condense data can inadvertently complicate things.每一個保護和壓縮數據的功能添加都會在不經意間使事情變得複雜。
  • 23As the fireball cools, the vaporized materials in it condense to form a cloud of solid particles.當火球冷卻時,內部的氣化物質壓縮形成固態微粒雲。
  • 24Clouds form when humid air cools enough for water vapor to condense into droplets or ice crystals.當潮濕空氣遇冷降至一定溫度時,其中包含的水蒸氣便聚集成小水滴或小冰晶,它們組成了雲。
  • 25These paler aerosols, and to some extent the blacker ones too, can provide sites for water to condense.這些淺色的氣溶膠,以及某一程度上,黑一些的氣溶膠可以提供水凝結的場所。
  • 26In the past I think I always wanted us to condense, to minimize, to be tighter and hotter than stars.以前我覺得我總是想要精簡和最小化,比星星還要更緊更熱。
  • 27Let us condense, in a few words, a part of what we have just written. The only social peril is darkness.讓我們把剛才所說的一部分用幾個字概括起來,社會的唯一危害是黑暗。
  • 28The energy is used to heat the brine, partially evaporating it, and to condense the resulting water vapour.這些能量被用來加熱鹽水,使其局部蒸發,然後將所產生的水蒸氣凝結下來。
  • 29When they condense, however, they condense into rock clouds that rain little pebbles of different types of rocks.但是,當它們凝聚後,它們變成卵石雲降下不同成分的卵石雨。


