



  • 外文名:comprehensively
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式發音:[ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪvli]
  • 美式發音:[ˌkɑːmprɪˈhensɪvli]


comprehensively /ˈkɒmprɪˌhɛnsɪvlɪ/
1.ADV Something that is done comprehensively is done thoroughly. 徹底地


comprehensively administer 綜合治理 ; 綜合管理 ; 分析治理
Comprehensively Professional 全面專業
think comprehensively 全面地思考
include comprehensively 廣泛地包含
comprehensively evaluating 綜合評定
comprehensively identified 綜合鑑定
comprehensively saves 全面節水
comprehensively constructing 全面建設
Comprehensively Quantity 題量


  • 1Failure to address comprehensively the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, however, exposes all generations, present and future, to incalculable risks.然而,如果不能全面解決溫室氣體的排放問題,那么今世後代都將面臨著無法估量的風險。
  • 2She was comprehensively outplayed by Coetzer.她被科澤爾徹底擊敗了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3They were comprehensively beaten in the final.他們在決賽中一敗塗地。《牛津詞典》
  • 4We comprehensively carried out VAT reform.增值稅轉型全面實施。
  • 5We will comprehensively promote well-rounded education.全面推進素質教育。
  • 6We will comprehensively improve the rural environment.推進農村環境綜合整治。
  • 7We will comprehensively strengthen human resource development.全面加強人才工作。
  • 8When will the two sides comprehensively re-launch the military exchanges?雙方什麼時候會全面重新啟動軍事交流?
  • 9It takes time to comprehensively evaluate the impact of this natural disaster.衡量自然災害的全面影響需要時間。
  • 10Astronomers therefore have difficulty looking both carefully and comprehensively.由此,天文學家很難找到能同時仔細和全面觀測的機會。
  • 11For them, the risk of insolvency has been somewhat comprehensively socialised.對它們來說,資不抵債的風險基本已由社會綜攬。
  • 12This section comprehensively explores the XML signature authoring features of XSS4J.本節全面剖析 XSS4J 的 XML 簽名編輯特性。
  • 13But I believe, in the near future, my above points will be comprehensively verified.但我相信,在不遠的將來,我的這些看法一定會得到全面的驗證。
  • 14Researchers comprehensively reviewed 17 studies involving more than 331, 000 patients.研究人員完整的回顧了17份涉及到多達331000名患者的研究。
  • 15Sometimes I may be over-subjective and cannot consider everyone’s feelings comprehensively.太主觀,有時候不能夠顧及他人的感受。
  • 16To comprehensively resolve and overcome the crisis calls for concerted efforts and global action.全面化解和戰勝危機還需要全球行動、合力應對。
  • 17The past system has comprehensively failed and we have taken action to completely replace it.過去的制度已經完全失敗,我們所作的正是將其取代的行動。
  • 18The extent of damage to the coastal and marine resources has yet to be comprehensively evaluated.海嘯對沿海和海洋資源造成的損害程度仍然有待全面評估。
  • 19All schools need to comprehensively promote education that ensures the well-rounded development of students.各級各類學校都要全面推進素質教育。
  • 20Therefore, it demands research in various respects to comprehensively analysis QE2 policy’s impact globally.因此,如果要綜合分析QE2政策對全球的影響,我們需要從多個角度進行研究。
  • 21Unless this situation is urgently and comprehensively addressed, sporadic human cases will continue to occur.除非這種狀況得到緊急和廣泛處理,否則將繼續發生散發性人間病例。
  • 22The answer quite often is because of other people - something social psychologists have comprehensively shown.通常我們會聽到的答案是:是由於外人造成的(一些社會心理學家籠統的這樣解釋。)
  • 23So, we shall study from various aspects when comprehensively analyze the influence of QE2 within the global context.因此,如果要綜合分析QE2政策對全球的影響,我們需要從多個角度進行研究。
  • 24Comprehensively define your product or service's benefit not only to the customer, but to society and the environment.全面確定你的產品或服務的好處,不僅給客戶,對社會和環境也要注意影響。
  • 25We will put great effort into water conservancy, and comprehensively strengthen agricultural and rural infrastructure.大興水利,全面加強農業農村基礎設施建設。
  • 26I first learned the hard way how comprehensively this convention tends to break down even within the United States.我首先認識到這種困難是多么普遍,上述習慣即使在美國也常常行不通。
  • 27But Newton was the more powerful man, and managed to blacken Leibnitz's image comprehensively, at least in England.可是,牛頓是個有權勢的人物,他詆毀萊布尼茨的形象,至少在英國。
  • 28Thus, we need to investigate from various perspectives to comprehensively analyze the impact of QE2 on the global economy.因此,如果要綜合分析QE2政策對全球的影響,我們需要從多個角度進行研究


