- 外文名:coagula
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[kəʊ'æɡjʊlə]
- 釋義:凝塊(coagulum的複數)
coagulable,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“可凝結的”。短語搭配 coagulable hemothorax 凝固性血胸 coagulable bacterium 聚藻菌株 coagulable abnormality 凝血異常 coagulable nitrogen 可凝性氮 coagulable protein 可凝...
incoagulable incoagulable,英語單詞,主要用作為形容詞,用作形容詞譯為“不能凝固的”。網路釋義 未凝結的混凝土 immature concrete 無法凝結的 incoagulable 凝結 凝結的 coagulate 短語搭配 incoagulable gas 不凝性氣體 ...
凝固浴線上濃度儀,coagulatingbath;spinningbath 又稱紡絲浴。化學纖維濕法紡絲時紡絲原液自噴絲孔擠出後使之凝固成初生纖維的溶液。凝固過程中同時有物理和化學作用。即聚合物與凝固劑之間發生化學反應,以及原液中溶劑向凝固浴擴散,和...
coagulating bath;spinning bath 又稱紡織浴。如製造粘膠纖維時,常用硫酸和硫酸鈉等配成的水溶液作為凝固浴,硫酸鈉使粘膠凝固,硫酸使纖維素黃原酸鈉分解而成再生纖維素。
促凝劑 促凝劑(coagulator)是1996年公布的公路交通科學技術名詞,出自《公路交通科技名詞》第一版。公布時間 1996年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《公路交通科技名詞》第一版。
Ubfloc系列為聚丙烯醯胺(Polyacryamide)水溶性線狀高分子凝聚劑(HighMolecularFlocculants)。可用作助凝劑(Coagulabts)、保留助劑(Retention Aids)、污泥脫水劑(Dewatering Agents)以及凝聚沈降劑(Flocculants)等。添加Ubfloc系列高...
prestressed concretive 無粘結預應力砼樓板 單詞釋義 有凝結力的 ...有凝結力地concretively有凝結力的concretive凝集化,凝結力coagulatingpower...凝結性的 ...不凝結性incoagulability凝結性的concretive土壤凝結性soilcohesion...
coagulating coprecipitation 混凝共沉澱 nonaqueous coprecipitation 非水共沉澱 coprecipitation route 共沉澱工藝 reverse coprecipitation 反向共沉澱 雙語例句 An iron filings microelectrolysis - coprecipitation process has been used to...
coagulating hemothorax 凝固性血胸 ; 形成凝固性血胸 Massive hemothorax 大量血胸 clotted hemothorax 凝固性血胸 雙語例句 PRFA's complications included: pneumothorax, hemothorax, pneumonia, hemoptysis and suffocation or even deat...
Coagulado e globalizado Nas veias abertas De outra dívida externa Ninguém Regula a América Satellites from above Controling all the rebel act Nosy plane cought in China Pushing doors in Colombia Carbonized under the rain...
咽喉菌·氣血凝結證(throat cancer with pattern of qi-blood coagulating and intermingling)是2013年公布的中醫藥學名詞。定義 氣血凝結,以咽喉哽哽不利,吞咽困難,聲音嘶啞,痰中帶血,甚則呼吸困難,咽喉部腫塊凹凸不平,色暗紅,...
鼻咽癌·氣血凝結證(nasopharyngeal carcinoma with pattern of qi-blood coagulating and intermingling)是2013年公布的中醫藥學名詞。定義 氣血凝結,以鼻涕帶血,耳內脹悶或耳鳴耳聾,鼻咽腫塊暗紅,或有血脈纏繞,觸之易出血,頸部或有...
Feels like coagulatin'I'm sittin' here just contemplatin'I can't twist the truth It knows no regulation Handful of Senators Don't pass legislation And marches alone Can't bring integration When human respect is dis...
Buttocks scream coagulating Never give up hope Love my dog and cat Shards of summer's blood Tooth defying death relying Harold's under mud See it over there and in between my teeth Rat velvet And everywhere I feel ...