- 外文名:clement
- 屬性:英語單詞
- 英式發音:ˈklemənt
- 美式發音:ˈklɛmənt
- 1Lozano claimed that motorcycle driver Clement Lloyd was trying to run him down.洛扎諾聲稱機車手克萊門特•勞埃德當時正試圖撞他。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 2Clement mathieu: you see evil everywhere.馬修:你看見罪惡無處不在。
- 3The embrace of father is clement and mother's is warm.爸爸的懷抱是寬厚的,媽媽的懷抱是溫暖的。
- 4They then elected one of their own as Pope Clement VII.然後,他們選出自己的教皇克萊門特七。
- 5The land is fertile, the climate clement, water abundant.這裡土地肥沃,氣候宜人,水源充足。
- 6According to Clement of Alexandria, Matthew was a vegetarian.與亞歷山大時期的克萊門特相應,馬修是一個素食主義者。
- 7David Clement and 150 commandos stormed the port this morning.戴維·克萊門特上尉和150名突擊隊員今天早上對港口展開突襲。
- 8And Clement also clearly has a very good philosophical education.很明顯克雷芒也受過很好的哲學教育。
- 9Captain David Clement and 150 commandos stormed the port this morning.戴維·克萊門特上尉和150名突擊隊員今天早上對港口展開突襲。
- 10Captain David Clement and 150 commandos stormed the port this morning.戴維·克萊門特上尉和150名突擊隊員今天早上對港口突襲。
- 11Mark Clement was born in Winnipeg and raised in various towns in Ontario.馬克在溫尼伯出生,在安大略省的其他幾個鎮長大。
- 12The planet’s history contains many less stable and clement eras than the Holocene.地球的歷史是包含了許多不如全新世穩定溫和的時期的。
- 13These are the very stone quarries St. Clement is believed to have worked here.這裡真的有採石場,據說聖人克雷蒙特就在這裡工作過。
- 14These are the very stone quarries, St. Clement is believed to have worked here.這裡真的有採石場,據說聖人克雷蒙特就在這裡工作過。
- 15The planet's history contains many less stable and clement eras than the Holocene.地球歷史包含許多沒有全新世穩定和溫和的時期。
- 16A PDA screen has roughly one-sixth the area of an 800x600 display (Clement & Vickers, 2002).一台 PDA 的螢幕的面積大概是 800x600 顯示器的六分之一(Clement & Vickers,2002)。
- 17Water resource is a major natural resource and also an essential clement of environment.水資源是一個較大的自然資源,並也是環境中必不可少的組成部分。
- 18Clement Greenberg is one of the most important American critics in the 20 ~ (th) Century.格林伯格是美國20世紀重要的美術批評家之一,其批評主要涉及現代繪畫與雕塑領域。
- 19CLEMENT weather and plentiful water mean that Punjab produces an eighth of India's total food grains.溫和的天氣和充足的雨量賜予了旁遮普(印度西北部的一地方)占整個印度八分之一的糧食產量。
- 20A student from the graduating cohort, Clement Ong will now lead us in this time of praise worship.現在王恩傑同學將會帶領我們一起讚美敬拜。
- 21In this thesis the crude protein, crude fat, sugar and mineral clement of Nostoc Commune was detected.本文測定了普通念珠藻的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、糖及礦物質營養元素的含量。
- 22The Council of Vienne was held in that town in France by order of Clement v, the first of the Avignon popes.安理會的維埃納省舉行了在這城市在法國的命令,克萊門特五,首先亞維儂教皇。
- 23In application, it offers us a fresh mathematical means to establish new models for finite clement analysis.在套用方面,它提供了一個新的數學手段以建立有限元分析中的新模式。
- 24Some are suggesting that Mr Clement simply amend the Telecommunications Act, rendering their objections worthless.一些人建議說Clement先生只需簡單修改下通信法案,三巨頭們的反對就會毫無用處。
- 25The Chinon Parchment absolves the Templars of all heresy. Clement V issued that bull himself, in secret, in 1308.奇諾布告在1308年秘密地解除了聖殿武士的所有異端指控。
- 26As for the pollen, Sugden says it has never been accurately dated and may come from a much earlier clement period.至於花粉,薩格登說從未有人精確地測定過它的年代,也許它是源於更早的溫和時期。
- 27Adaptive finite clement mesh generation is a strategy to optimize finite element mesh in line with er-ror estimation.自適應有限元格線生成是基於誤差估計,自動進行有限元格線最佳化的一種策略。
- 28This gave them the name "Copperheads." One important Copperhead was a former Congressman from Ohio, Clement Vallandigham.其中有一位重要的人物,他是俄亥俄州前國會議員,他叫克萊門特。法蘭迪·加姆。