- 外文名:choana
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:['kəʊənə]
- 釋義:後鼻孔;漏斗
choana secondary 次鼻後孔 ; 詳細翻譯
narium choana 後鼻孔 ; 釋義後鼻孔
choana narium 翻譯 ; 後鼻孔
primary choana 初鼻後孔英語 ; 翻譯 ; 原始鼻後孔
primitive choana[胚] 原始後鼻孔 ; 原始後鼻孔
choana cerebri 大腦漏斗 ; 翻譯
secondary choana 次鼻後孔英語 ; 翻譯 ; 次鼻後孔
atresia choana 後鼻孔閉鎖
choana bony choanae 骨性鼻後孔
It often grows through the nasal choana into the nasopharynx.常常可以通過後鼻孔累及鼻咽部。
Antralchoanal polyps present as mucoid masses originating at the maxillary antrum extending through a sinus ostium to the choana.上頜竇後鼻孔息肉表現為起源於上頜竇的粘液樣腫塊,並通過上頜竇口延伸至後鼻孔。
The inspection could not be finished because of stricture of unilateral choana and nasopharynx caused by deflection of nasal septum in cases, and bilateral rhinostenosis in .例因鼻中隔偏曲導致一側後鼻孔和鼻咽部無法檢查,例因雙側鼻腔狹窄無法檢查,其餘9例均可檢查。