



  • 外文名:chirped
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[tʃɜːp]
  • 美式音標:[tʃɜːrp]


英 [tʃɜːp]     美 [tʃɜːrp]    
v. 吱喳而鳴;輕鬆愉快地說
n. 喳喳聲;唧唧聲


Chirped pulse amplification 線性調頻脈衝放大 ; 放大技術 ; 啁啾脈衝放大技術
Chirped Fiber Grating 啁啾光纖光柵 ; 啁啾光柵 ; chirped光纖光柵 ; 光纖光柵
chirped picsecond pulse 線性調頻征微秒脈衝
chirped mirror 啁啾反射鏡
Chirped Grating 啁啾光柵
chirped Gaussian pulse 啁啾高斯脈衝
chirped-grating 啁啾光柵
Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating 了啁啾光纖光柵 ; 啁啾光纖布拉格光柵 ; 啁啾光柵


  • The crickets chirped faster and louder. 蟋蟀叫得越來越快,越來越響。
  • In vain--the girl chirped on. 沒有用——那姑娘嘰嘰喳喳地說下去。
  • It chirped the nights through all winter long. 整個冬天,它都會整夜鳴叫。
  • All day long her mate flew about, and chirped so sadly that he made my heart ache. 她的伴侶一整天都在飛來飛去,發出傷心的啁啾聲,讓我很心痛。
  • The robin seemed to be quite satisfied and chirped and whistled back at her. 知更鳥似乎很滿意,又嘰嘰喳喳“啾啾”地回應著她。
  • He chirped a good deal and had a very busy air as if he were showing her things. 他總是嘰嘰喳喳著,一副忙忙碌碌的樣子,好像他在給她看什麼東西似的。
  • He twittered and chirped and hopped along the wall as if he were telling her all sorts of things. 他嘰嘰喳喳、沿著牆跳躍,好像他在告訴她各種各樣的事情。
  • I wish that noisy bird hadn't chirped. 要是那隻吵死人的鳥沒喳喳叫就好了。
  • Outside, the sun shone and birds chirped. 外面,陽光照耀,小鳥啾啾。
  • "I sing with my wing," chirped the cricket. “我用翅膀唱歌,”蟋蟀吱吱喳喳。
  • They did not seem frightened, but chirped softly, as if they knew they. 它們似乎一點兒也不害怕,反而是小聲地嘰嘰叫著,仿佛知道自己是安全的。
  • The characters of chirped Moire fiber gratings (CMFG) are analyzed entirely. 較全面地分析了啁啾莫爾光纖光柵的特性。
  • They did not seem frightened, but chirped softly, as if they knew they were safe. 她們看上去並不害怕,只是輕聲地鳴叫,仿佛她們知道自己得救了。
  • Chirped fiber grating can be used in compensating fiber dispersion and compressing pulse. 啁啾光纖光柵可用於光纖色散補償及脈衝壓縮。
  • The apodized linear chirped fiber grating is an important passive device for dispersion compensation. 具有切踐包絡的線性啁啾光纖光柵是用於色散補償的重要無源器件。
  • A tunable cascaded microwave photonic filter based on Chirped Fiber Bragged Grating (CFBG) is presented. 提出一種基於啁啾光纖光柵(CFBG)的可調諧級聯結構的微波光子濾波器。
  • The thesis is helpful for the design and facture of a linearly chirped fiber grating as dispersion compensator. 對於製作和設計線性啁啾光纖光柵用作色散補償器,本文具有一定的理論參考價值。
  • A simple and novel method for transforming a uniform fiber grating into a linearly chirped grating is presented. 報導一個簡單而新穎的、能將均勻光柵改變為線性啁啾光柵的方法。
  • To obtain larger dispersion, chirped fiber gratings with longer length and smaller chirp coefficient are required. 結果表明要獲得較大的色散,要求光纖光柵有較長的長度和較小的啁啾。
  • The using of chirped laser pulse can restrain the Rabi oscillations and realize high efficiency of photoionization. 利用光脈衝的啁啾效應,可以抑制拉比振盪實現高效率的光電離。
  • Meanwhile, the chirped pulse amplification technique has boosted the peak power of the pulse to the terawatt level. 與此同時,掣波脈衝放大已經把脈衝的峰值功率提高到兆兆瓦水平。
  • The research on large chirped fiber Bragg grating is an important part of researches about the fiber grating devices. 大啁啾光纖光柵的研究是光纖光柵器件研究中的一個重要組成部分。
  • Radar signals, including chirped or phase-coded varieties, are easily and quickly characterized on a single-shot basis. 雷達信號,其中包括啁啾或相位編碼的品種,很容易和快速地對一個單桿基礎的特點。
  • The calculation indicates that in the system of chirped pulse amplification, there is an optimum fluence of pumping light. 計算結果表明:在啁啾脈衝放大系統中,存在一個抽運光最佳能量密度。
  • With the invention of the chirped pulse amplification technology more than 10 years ago, a new generation of lasers appear. 隨著發明的啁啾脈衝放大技術技術10多年前,新一代雷射的出現。
  • The research on large chirped fiber Bragg grating (LCBG) is an important part of researches about the fiber grating devices. 大啁啾光纖光柵的研究是光纖光柵器件研究中的一個重要組成部分。
  • The physical process of frequency chirped Gaussian pulses broading induced by the group- velocity dispersion has been studied. 研究了線性光纖中色散導致初始頻率啁啾的高斯光脈衝展寬的詳細物理過程。
  • The gain bandwidth of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification pumped by divergent beams has been theoretically studied. 對發散光束抽運的光參量啁啾脈衝放大器的增益頻寬進行了系統的理論研究。
  • The technique of chirped pulse amplification (CPA) has become the important method to get high power of femtosecond laser pulse. 啁啾脈衝放大(CPA)作為獲得高功率飛秒雷射脈衝的關鍵技術日益成熟。
  • The chirped multilayer mirror in the extreme ultraviolet region can be used to select some high harmonics and compensate the chirp. 具有諧波選擇和啁啾補償作用的極紫外啁啾多層膜反射鏡是產生亞飛秒脈衝的有效元件。

