- 外文名:caseinate
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[kei'si:neit]
- 釋義:酪朊酸鹽;金屬(如鈣或鈉)與酪蛋白的化合物;酪蛋白酸
..酪蛋白元 ...酪蛋白乳清caseinwhey酪蛋白元caseinogen酪蛋白鹽casenate,caseinate...酪蛋白 ...見sodiumcaseinatecasein-formaldehyde酪蛋白-甲醛聚合物caseinogen見intrinsicfactorCassel'syellow...
副酪蛋白鈣(calcium caseinate),又稱酪朊酸鈣,為呈白色至淡黃色粒狀或粉末,無臭、無味、或稍有特異香氣。可作微生物培養基組分、生化試劑或食品添加劑。雖然牛乳酪蛋白中天然存在有少量副酪蛋白鈣,但通常是以脫脂牛奶(或奶粉)...
17.Long Zhao, Zhao Qiangzhong, Liu Tongxun, Kuang Wanmei, Xu Jucai, Zhao Mouming*. Role and properties of guar gum in sodium caseinate solution and sodium caseinate stabilized emulsion. Food Research International (IF: ...
Qiangzhong Zhao, Zhao Long, Jing Kong, Tongxun Liu, Dongxiao Sun-Waterhouse, Mouming Zhao. Sodium caseinate/flaxseed gum interactions at oilewater interface: Effect on protein adsorption and functions in oil-in-water ...