- 外文名:cabby
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[ˈkæbi]
- 釋義:計程車司機;出租馬車的車夫
cabby y 計程車司機
Hover Cabby 飛行計程車
Futur Cabby 未來計程車
Cabby Tales 計程車的故事
Cabby Cai 蔡曼
cabbies cabby cabdriver cabman 計程車司機
Carry on Cabby 繼續做車夫
owner-driver cabby 車主出租汽車
Cabby To Live Another Day 為要活在另一個天
Two minutes later the cabby kicked me out of his cab because I stunk. FML不出兩分鐘,我被司機趕了下來——因為我太臭了。
However you shuffle them they form the same printed circuit, hieroglyphs converging on a central component: you, standing in the rain, screaming at the cabby.無論你多么想擺脫這些情景,它們卻依然把你圍在中間,你和那些場景就像從中心點伸展出的象形文字一樣,無法分離。 你,在雨中,朝著那腳踏計程車司機尖叫。
But the host grabbed the bills and initiated a verbal assault upon the cabby, calling him a worthless parasite and a disgrace to their country for trying to overcharge visitors.但迎客主人一把抓過那錢鈔,對出租司機大罵不止,稱他是一文不值的寄生蟲,並說他企圖宰國外來客,真是丟盡了他們國家的面子。