- 外文名:busily
- 詞性:副詞
- 英式發音:[ˈbɪzɪli]
- 美式發音:[ˈbɪzɪli]
busily /ˈbɪzɪlɪ/
1.ADV If you do something busily, you do it in a very active way. 忙碌地 [ADV with v]
occupy busily 忙著做
hum busily 忙碌地軋軋響
fan busily 不停地扇
Sewing Busily 紡織忙
busily y 忙碌地
engage busily 忙於
ringing busily 電話頻頻響起
commence busily 繁忙地開始
- 1He was busily engaged repairing his bike.他正忙著修他的腳踏車。《牛津詞典》
- 2The doctor worked busily beneath the blinding lights of the delivery room.醫生在產房耀眼的燈光下忙碌地工作。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 3The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates.十二位陪審員都忙著在石板上寫些什麼。
- 4The robin hopped about busily pecking the soil and now and then stopped and looked at them a little.那隻知更鳥跳來跳去,忙著啄土,時不時地停下來看看它們。
- 5"The cat," answered Pinocchio, seeing that little animal busily playing with some shavings in the corner of the room.“那隻貓。”皮諾喬回答說,他看見那隻小動物在房間的角落裡忙著玩刨花。
- 6When the going gets tough, visualize yourself happily and busily engaged in your goal, and you'll keep working toward it.當事情變得艱難時,想像自己快樂而忙碌地投入到你的目標中,你就會繼續朝著它努力。
- 7The two saleswomen were busily trying to keep up with the demand.這兩個女售貨員正忙著盡力滿足顧客的需求。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 8His colleagues, meanwhile, were busily scheming to get rid of him.與此同時,他的同事在加緊謀劃擠走他。《牛津詞典》
- 9The children have worked busily but happily for many hours, making the little baskets for the birds.孩子們忙碌而快樂地工作了好幾個小時,為鳥兒做了小籃子。
- 10If he is writing busily, he's probably making his grocery list.如果他正忙著寫東西,他可能在列購物清單。
- 11Digging busily with teeth and claws, they opened the little door and slipped in.他們用牙齒和爪子使勁地挖著,打開小門溜了進去。
- 12"I am making the bed now," the little girl called out again, while she ran busily to and fro.“我正在收拾床鋪呢。”小女孩一邊忙著跑來跑去,一邊又叫道。
- 13That schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle, and was busily chewing gum, when the teacher espied her.當老師看見那個女生時,她坐在座位上,腳伸到過道里,嘴裡拚命地嚼著口香糖。
- 14I was busily cooking the fish in the kitchen.我正在廚房忙著煮魚。
- 15The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates. 'What are they doing?'十二位陪審員全都在紙板上忙著寫什麼。
- 16But Derkach's business hasn't been the only coffee shop chain busily expanding across the UK.但是,John的生意絕不僅限於將咖啡連鎖店忙著向英國以外地區擴張。
- 17Microsoft, for instance, is busily diversified into cable and telecommunications as well as WebTV.比如,微軟就忙於向電纜通訊、移動通訊及網路電視行業拓展。
- 18During the spring and summer months when we had our Windows open, we could hear her busily typing away.春天夏天的時候只要我們一打開窗戶便能聽到打字機忙碌的聲音。
- 19But Britain's papers are also exceptionally innovative, busily testing new format sizes and prices.而英國的報紙業也格外的具有創新性,不斷嘗試新的版式大小與定價。
- 20Back in England, Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution were busily uprooting the Garden of Eden.這時在英國,查爾斯·達爾文及其進化論正忙於剷除伊甸園傳說的影響。
- 21There he saw the child sitting on the floor, and busily digging and rooting about in the cracks in the floor.他看那男孩正坐在地上,用手指頭使勁地在地板縫裡挖呀挖的,當他看見客人時,就消失了。 隨後客人講述了他所看到的一切,並且仔細描述了那孩子的模樣。
- 22Captains of the automotive industry, hit by the credit crunch, are busily putting their case to the prime minister.汽車業巨頭們由於受到信貸緊縮的打擊,最近一直在向首相訴苦。
- 23The vehicle, painted white with a red crescent, was parked at the clinic entrance, where Osama was busily cleaning it.車漆成白色,噴上紅新月標識,停在醫院門口。
- 24Even as the rating agencies busily revise rich countries' creditworthiness downwards, Indonesia's has been going the other way.儘管當前很多已開發國家的信用都被等級評定機構調低,印尼卻不斷增加。
- 25A schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle, and was busily chewing gum, when the teacher espied her.一女生坐在座位上,嘴裡拚命地嚼著口香糖,腳還伸到過道里,被老師給看見了。
- 26Boffins were busily filling in the blanks in the periodic table and probing unknown atomic phenomena (like radioactivity and bonding).科學家們忙於填補元素周期表的空白、探索未知的原子現象(如放射性和鍵合)。
- 27If there were another Cesc fabregas to be prised out of the Barcelona youth system many clubs would busily be -planning such a move.如果有另外一個法布雷加斯出現在巴塞隆納青訓系統里的話,許許多多的俱樂部會打他的主意。
- 28People found that reading the Harry Potter books was enjoyable, and so they were busily turning page after page while the world went by.人們發現在看這本小說的時候,感到十分愉快,所以當時間靜靜流逝的時候,他們才會專心的一頁接著一頁看下去。
- 29But that is why the company is busily hiring Chinese staff as future managers—yet another big break from Japan’s insular corporate tradition.不過那也就是為什麼山田電機現正大舉招聘中國員工作為未來的儲備幹部——此舉亦為一種對日企傳統的重大突變。