- 外文名:bullish
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈbʊlɪʃ]
- 美式發音:[ˈbʊlɪʃ]
- 1The market opened in a bullish mood.股市開盤呈上漲趨勢。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 2The bank is bullish on silver.該銀行看多白銀。
- 3Sentiment on oil is too bullish.對石油看漲過於樂觀。
- 4Not everyone is so bullish.但是並不是所有人都是如此自信樂觀的。
- 5And I'm bullish on China.我對中國持樂觀態度。
- 6What is the bullish case?樂觀情景是什麼?
- 7Yet coalition reformers are bullish.改革者同盟還是在占上風。
- 8Yet not all strategists are bullish.不過並不是所有策略師都感到樂觀。
- 9The bullish case seems fairly simple.多頭的說法看起來很簡單。
- 10Such extremes are normally a bullish sign.通常這種極端情形屬於看漲信號。
- 11“I’m always bullish, ” Mr. Lynch said.” 我總是樂觀的,“ 林奇先生說。
- 12If you're bullish, you're now sweating.假如你是做多的,你現在就該著急了。
- 13Many signals have flipped to the bullish side.許多信號已經偏向於牛市。
- 14And young voters remain bullish about Mr Obama.年輕人選民對歐巴馬先生也保持看好。
- 15In fact, Mr Malkiel is, overall, very bullish.事實上,麥基爾總體而言非常樂觀。
- 16Admittedly the data were not uniformly bullish.確實數據不都是讓人樂觀的。
- 17And in the markets that tends to be bullish news.而在市場中,這往往會成為利多訊息。
- 18I'd call bullish sentiment a mile wide but an inch deep.我認為看漲的情感足有一英里寬,但其深度只有一英寸。
- 19It is not just the Americans who are bullish on bail-outs.看好救市計畫的不僅僅是美國。
- 20In just a couple hours he went from bullish to insecure.在僅僅幾小時之內,他就從看好市場轉變為憂慮不安。
- 21Stockmarkets have slipped from their recent bullish highs.股票市場已從近來看漲的行情跌落。
- 22There are indeed a number of factors supporting a bullish outlook.目前確實有許多因素支持看漲的觀點。
- 23Dollar devaluation, particularly the Silent Sam kind, is bullish.美元貶值,特別是靜默貶值這種,是很混蛋的!
- 24American investors aren't just feeling bullish... they're acting bullish.美國的投資者不僅感覺到股市看好,他們的行動也在看漲。
- 25They agreed the firm needed to cut its bullish bets on mortgage bonds.高管們一致認為公司需要減少對抵押債券的樂觀押注。
- 26Dominic Casserley at McKinsey's London office also takes a bullish view.麥肯錫·倫敦辦事處的多米尼克凱瑟里持更加樂觀的態度。