- 外文名:billow
- 詞性:名詞、不及物動詞、及物動詞
- 英式發音:[ˈbɪləʊ]
- 美式發音:[ˈbɪloʊ]
- 屬性:英語單詞
- 釋義:使翻騰
- 1The white sails billow with the breezes they catch.片片白帆隨風揚起。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 2An angry billow almost swallowed that ship.怒濤幾乎吞沒了那艘船。
- 3Remember to clear concertina sections out when you come back from trips to avoid your unwashed briefs billow out onto the boardroom table.記得出差回來清空檢查一下手風琴夾層,避免在會議上找檔案時把你未洗的短內褲抖出來。
- 4Flames and smoke billow from a petroleum-refining plant in Shiogama.火焰和濃煙從鹽釜的石油精煉廠中滾滾冒出。
- 5He exhaled a billow of cigar smoke.他吐出一股雪茄菸。
- 6The ship was tossed by the ocean billow.海輪在大洋巨浪上顛簸。
- 7The sheets on the line billow in the wind.掛在繩上的床單在風中像波浪一樣飄動。
- 8An angry billow almost swallowed the ship.怒濤幾乎吞沒了這條船。
- 9You are like an undulating billow warmed by the sun.你卻像陽光照耀下上下起伏的一片波浪。
- 10The wind made the lake water billow onto the beach.大風吹得湖水洶湧地撲向海灘。
- 11The wind made the lake waters billow onto the beach.大風吹得湖水洶湧地撲向海灘。
- 12A door shuts with a bang and curtains billow into the room.房門砰地一聲關上了,窗簾被風翻卷著吹向屋內。
- 13The billow of the Atlantic dash high on the rock during a storm.暴風雨時,大西洋的巨浪衝撞岩石掀得很高很高。
- 14Faith will be as pillars, regardless of wind and rain billow standing.信仰要如石柱般無論風雨巨浪屹立不倒。
- 15Only dare to set sail, top evil billow warriors, to fight to the upstream.只有敢於揚起風帆,頂惡浪的勇士,才能爭到上游。
- 16Technical onrush always is billow forward, vast and mighty, cannot hold back.技術洪流總是滾滾向前,浩浩蕩蕩,無法阻擋。
- 17The walls would begin to billow like silk, and paradise would shine once again.牆壁將開始翻騰像絲綢,和天堂一樣閃光。
- 18Do have interest , the thing talking about a cooperation? I am in the dragon China billow.有沒有興趣,談談合作的事啊?我在龍華大浪。
- 19The smoke was beginning to billow into the room nowyellow, acrid fumes that made elizabeth choke.現在,濃煙滾滾卷進屋內黃色辛辣的煙使得伊莉莎白透不過氣來。
- 20The smoke was beginning to billow into the room now-yellow, acrid fumes that made Elizabeth choke.現在,濃煙滾滾卷進屋內——黃色辛辣的煙使得伊莉莎白透不過氣來。
- 21The smoke was beginning to billow into the room now - yellow, acrid fumes that made Elizabeth choke.現在,濃煙滾滾卷進屋內——黃色辛辣的煙使得伊莉莎白透不過氣來。
- 22He stood by her side at the window, watching sharp gusts of snow billow, then swirl and drift to the ground.他站在她身旁,倚在窗邊,看著雪花在強風中翻騰、迴旋,緩緩飄落到地面。
- 23Due to the devastating winds, heavy rainfall, billow and storm tide, typhoon is a major threat to ocean ships.颱風所帶來的大風、強降水、巨浪和風暴潮會對船舶航行安全形成重大威脅。
- 24Elizabeth lofted the black cape as I watched it billow in front of me like a sheet blossoming on a clothesline.伊莉莎白揚起那個黑色的披肩,我看著它在我面前鼓脹著飄了起來,猶如晾衣繩上展開的床單。
- 25Time of surging billow like a sudden tranquility, and I, quietly standing there, looking past the slow flow of Love.就像是奔涌翻騰的時光突然歸於平靜,而我,靜靜地佇立在那裡,看著過去的年華緩慢的流動。