berlitz morocco

《berlitz morocco》是2011年Insight Guides出版的圖書,作者是本社。


  • 書名:berlitz morocco
  • 作者:本社
  • 出版社:nsight Guides
  • ISBN:9781780040066 


  Berlitz Pocket Guide Morocco is the ultimate handy guide tothis ancient, mysterious and breathtakingly beautiful country, with144 pages combining authoritative narrative detail and stunningcolour photography. The book begins with two inspirational featuresto help you explore: a rundown of Morocco's Top 10 Attractions,followed by an itinerary for a Perfect Tour of the country. Anintroduction to Morocco, giving you background information on itspeople, geography, climate and culture, is followed by a briefhistory, including a quick-reference Historical Landmarks timeline.Throughout the guide, colour feature boxes brief you on points ofhistorical and cultural interest. The main section of the book isthe Where to Go chapter, which leads you through the country; itstarts in Tangier in the north, moves down the Atlantic coast toRabat and Casablanca and then inland to the imperial cities ofMeknes, Fez and Marrakech, where the medieval intricacies of themedinas go hand-in-hand with fashionable roof-top bars and chicrenovated riads. The chapter then heads into the High Atlas, dottedwith isolated Berber villages which seem virtually untouched bytime.
  Finally we explore the popular seaside resorts of the southernAtlantic coast, including Essaouira and Agadir. Throughout thechapter, number dots link the sights to the handy maps on the coverflaps. Next, the What to Do chapter is a snapshot of ways to spendyour spare time in Morocco, whether shopping in Marrakech, hikingin the High Atlas, camping in the desert or surfing on the Atlanticcoast. You can read about the nightlife and entertainmentavailable, get tips on how to haggle, and find out if there's afestival going on while you're visiting - this is a greatopportunity to experience genuine Moroccan folk music and dance.The Eating Out chapter covers the country's exotic cuisine,describing what to eat, where to try it and what drinks are onoffer, and includes a handy Menu Reader with all the words andphrases you will need while dining out. The chapter is followed bycarefully chosen listings of Morocco's best Places to Eat. Thefinal sections of the guide are the A-Z Travel Tips - covering allthe practical information you'll need, from budgeting to health totransport - and listings of Morocco's best hotels, riads andresorts.


Top 10 Attractions
A Perfect Tour of Morocco
A Brief History
Where to Go Tangier Rabat Casablanca Meknes Fez Marrakech
The High Atlas and Atlantic Coast
What to Do Shopping
Active Pursuits Nightlife and Entertainment
Eating Out A-Z Travel Tips Hotels
Features Mint Tea Morocco's Jewish Community Historical Landmarks Matisse in Tangier Moroccan Wines Cherry Festival City
The Fountains of Fez Riad Fever
The Land of the Argan Tree Calendar of Events

