



  • 外文名:bedclothes
  • 詞性:名詞


英 [ˈbedkləʊðz] 美 [ˈbedkloʊðz]


air bedclothes 曬床單
indeed bedclothes 展蓋
Cotton bedclothes 棉質床被


  • 1He snuggled down under the bedclothes.他躺下以後蓋上被子,很舒服。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Momma was cleaning inside, changing the bedclothes.媽媽在裡面清掃,換臥具。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3She folded back the bedclothes.她疊起了被褥。
  • 4The child burrowed under the bedclothes.那孩子在被窩裡鑽來鑽去。
  • 5The space Bedclothes have a tender feel.太空棉被褥,觸感輕柔。
  • 6He smoothed out the rucks in the bedclothes.他把床單上的褶子撫平了。
  • 7She crept in beside him under the bedclothes.她鑽進被窩, 躺在他身旁。
  • 8You should keep your bedclothes clean and dry.你應該使被褥保持乾淨、乾燥。
  • 9The goods you want to purchase are bedclothes.你想要購買的商品有被褥。
  • 10Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain.大山是山之子的地毯和床單。
  • 11First the curtains took fire and then the bedclothes.窗簾首先著了火,接著被單也著火了。
  • 12First the curtain caught fire and then the bedclothes.先是窗簾著火了,之後床上的被子床單都燒著了。
  • 13Prepare some bedclothes in case it is cold at midnight.準備好一些被子以防半夜天冷。
  • 14And I found that my wife's bedclothes were still empty.同時發現妻子的被窩還是空著的。
  • 15First the curtains caught on fire and then the bedclothes.窗簾首先著了火,接著被褥也燒著了。
  • 16The bedclothes were tumbled as though the bed had been slept in.床上的被褥都弄亂了,好像有人睡過覺。
  • 17Every time Tom rolled over he pulled more of the bedclothes to his side.湯姆每次轉身都把被子往他那邊再拉一些。
  • 18Every time Jack rolled over the pulled more of the bedclothes to his side.傑克每翻一次身,總要把被子向他那邊多拉過去一點。
  • 19Nothing: I covered my face with the bedclothes, and turned from her to the wall.我什麼也沒說,只是用床單蒙住臉,轉過身去對著牆壁?
  • 20The bedclothes handled by this shop will surely bring you warmth and sweetness.相信本商店的床上用品會給您帶來溫馨與甜蜜。
  • 21A girl asks me in the email about the way which can make the bedclothes warmer.女孩在電子郵件上問我,有什麼方法可以令被窩暖一些?
  • 22I never slept better, because I wasn't buried under layers of heavy bedclothes.我睡得再好不過了,因為沒有層層沉沉的被子壓在身上。
  • 23However, one day the electric heater of flesh leaves, her bedclothes becomes cold.然而,某一天,這座有兩條腿的人肉電暖爐走了,她的被窩從此變得冷冰冰。
  • 24No. 888 East Nanjing Road. Downtown Street Formerly occupied by Li Hua Bedclothes Co.市中心南京東路888號房屋一幢,前為麗華床上用品公司。
  • 25If they don't supply their own mattresses and bedclothes , they sleep on plywood boards.如果他們自己不買彈簧床墊和被單,他們就必須睡在木板上。
  • 26She covered his body with the bedclothes. She clicked off the light that shone in his face.把衣服疊好掛好,蓋上被子,關掉燈光照在他臉上的燈。
  • 27Johnsy lay, scarcely making a movement under the bedclothes, with her face toward the window.約翰西躺在被子下幾乎一動不動,臉朝著窗。
  • 28Various floral prints contrast with bright colorful straight lines in furniture and bedclothes.各種花卉圖案同家具以及床上用品亮色的直線條形成強烈的對比。
  • 29To make (a child, for example) secure in bed for sleep, especially by tucking bedclothes into the bed.安置於(被窩裡):把(如,孩子)放進床里睡覺,猶指把鋪蓋塞進床里。


