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  • 外文名:bars
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 美式發音:[bɑrz]
  • 釋義:(Bars)人名;(匈)鮑爾什;(法、德、土)巴爾斯


N-COUNT A bar is a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic drinks. 酒吧 [美國英語]
→ see also snack bar, wine bar
N-COUNT A bar is a room in a hotel or other establishment where alcoholic drinks are served. (旅館等的) 酒吧間
N-COUNT A bar is a counter on which alcoholic drinks are served. 吧檯
N-COUNT A bar is a long, straight, stiff piece of metal. (金屬)棒
PHRASE If you say that someone is behind bars, you mean that they are in prison. 在獄中的
N-COUNT A bar of something is a piece of it which is roughly rectangular. (長方形的) 條
V-T If you bar a door, you place something in front of it or a piece of wood or metal across it in order to prevent it from being opened. 閂 (門)
V-T If you bar someone's way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place, by blocking their path. 擋 (路)
.V-T If someone is barred from a place or from doing something, they are officially forbidden to go there or to do it. 禁止 [usu passive]
.N-COUNT If something is a bar to doing a particular thing, it prevents someone from doing it. 障礙
.PREP You can use bar when you mean "except." For example, all the work bar the laundry means all the work except the laundry. 除…外 [英國英語]
. → see also barring
.N-SINGThebar is used to refer to the profession of any kind of lawyer in the United States, or of a barrister in England. 律師職業 [oft N n]
.N-COUNT In music, a bar is one of the several short parts of the same length into which a piece of music is divided. (音樂的) 小節
.N-COUNT a cgs unit of pressure equal to 106 dynes per square centimetre. 1 bar is equivalent to 105 newtons per square metre 巴(壓強單位)
.N-COUNT immunity from being caught or otherwise penalized in a game (法律上或比賽中的)豁免權 [Southwest English][DIALECT]


asymmetrical bars 高低槓 ; 凹凸槓 ; 詳細翻譯
scroll bars 滾動條 ; 翻卷欄 ; 滾動條組件 ; 滾動條屬性允許我們自己設定滾動條
Mars Bars 火星棒 ; 朱古力條 ; 朱古力棒 ; 火星糖
top bars 上層鋼筋
Progress Bars 進度條
truss bars 桁架鋼筋
short bars 短刀
tongue bars 舌條
Chocolate Bars 脆朱古力條 ; 朱古力棒


