



  • 外文名:barbarity
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[bɑːˈbærəti]
  • 美式發音:[bɑːrˈbærəti]
  • 釋義:殘暴;粗野


barbarity /bɑːˈbærɪtɪ/ ( barbarities )
1.N-VAR If you refer to someone's behaviour as barbarity, you strongly disapprove of it because you think that it is extremely cruel. 暴行 [表不滿]


barbarity y 殘暴行為
barbarity barbarity barbarity 殘暴


  • 1The pirates treated their captives with barbarity.海盜們殘暴地對待他們的俘虜。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 2The barbarity was beyond imagination.野蠻是在想像力之外。
  • 3What happened in Fallujah was an act of barbarity.發生在費魯傑的是野蠻行為。
  • 4This may be the most barbarity scene in the world.這也許是叢林中最殘忍的場景了。
  • 5They read facts about the barbarity of the death penalty.他們了解了一些關於死刑殘忍性的事實。
  • 6Shame on the house of Ptolemies for such barbarity. Shame.我深深地為托勒密家族這種野蠻的行為而感到羞恥,羞恥!
  • 7Love to one only is a barbarity, for it is exercised at the expense of all others.對某個人的愛是一種野蠻行為,因為實踐它要以其他所有人為代價。
  • 8This article holds that human nature is the combination of barbarity and humanity.認為人的本質是由“獸性”與“人性”共同構成的。
  • 9Appalling ACTS of barbarity have displaced over 2m people and killed about 300, 000 more.野蠻的行為駭人聽聞,超過2百萬人流離失所,更有約30萬人慘遭殺害。
  • 10Appalling ACTS of barbarity have displaced over 2m people and killed about 300,000 more.野蠻的行為駭人聽聞,超過2百萬人流離失所,更有約30萬人慘遭殺害。
  • 11Love to one only is a barbarity, for it is exercised at the expense of all others. Love to God also.只愛一個人,是一種野蠻行為,因為這會犧牲所有其他人。只愛上帝亦是如此。
  • 12Throughout the history of civilization, no one has ever seen human nature at such a peak of cruelty and barbarity.縱觀人類文明史,其手段之殘忍、殘酷、滅絕人性實屬罕見!
  • 13This may be the most barbarity scene in the world. People can barbecue everything they want. The Colobus satanas naive eyes charge the sin.這可能是世界上最慘忍的景象了。人們會烤食任何他們想吃的東西。這髯猴的無故的眼睛控訴著罪惡。
  • 14Saudi Arabia said Monday the international community should do more to stop Israeli "barbarity" in its military offensive against the Gaza Strip.沙特5日表示,國際社會應做出更多努力阻止以色列進攻加薩走廊的"暴行"。
  • 15If the use of animal food be, in consequence, subversive to the peace of human society, how unwarrantable is the injustice and barbarity which is exercised toward these miserable victims.如果吃肉的結果是會危害人類社會的和平,對那些因此而受遭殃的受難者是多么不公平與殘暴啊。
  • 16Fashioned from the Void by the will of the Great Dragon and blessed from its creation, the empire stands at the heart of the civilized world - a cultural wellspring in a sea of barbarity.形成於偉大之龍意志的虛無,並受其庇佑,帝國佇立在文明世界的心臟地帶——野蠻之海中的文明源泉。
  • 17Khiva's name became synonymous with cruelty and barbarity in contemporary Britain when, in 1842, two army officers, Colonel Charles Stoddart and Captain Arthur Conolly, were beheaded here in public.在當代英國,希瓦這個名字是殘暴和野蠻的同義詞。


