



  • 外文名:bale
  • 詞性:名詞、及物動詞
  • 英式發音:[beɪl]
  • 美式發音:[beɪl]
  • 釋義:包;捆;災禍;不幸


N-COUNT A bale is a large quantity of something such as hay, cloth, or paper, tied together tightly. 大捆
V-T If something such as hay, cloth, or paper is baled, it is tied together tightly. 把…捆緊
N-UNCOUNT evil; injury 災禍; 傷害
→ see also bail


Bale Mountains 貝爾山 ; 貝爾山脈
bale breaker[包裝] 拆包機 ; 拆捆機 ; 松包機 ; [包裝] 拆包器
bale loader 裝草機 ; 單捆裝運機 ; 裝草機加入收藏 ; 草捆裝載機
bale capacity 包裝容量 ; 包裝艙容 ; 包裝貨容積
bale plucker 松包機 ; 抓包機
bale cotton 成包原棉
bale pickup 草捆撿拾器 ; 草捆撿拾機
bagasse bale 蔗渣捆
gin bale 棉包 ; 軋棉包


  • 1A farmer produced a bale of hay. One horse or another can eat it, but not both.一位農民產出了一捆乾草。一匹馬或另一匹馬可以把它吃掉,但不可以兩匹都吃。
  • 2The country has pretty much defeated the boll weevil, and the Department of Agriculture individually tests every bale on obscure measures.這個國家幾乎已經打敗了棉鈴象鼻蟲,農業部對每包棉鈴都用複雜難懂的方法進行了單獨的測試。
  • 3Have you heard of a "pee bale"?你聽說過“尿堆”嗎?
  • 4I sat on a bale of straw near the fire.我坐在爐火邊的一捆稻草上。
  • 5Just as we do not have the means to study Bale.只是我們沒有那樣的手段去研究罷了。
  • 6Those are just my experience of the world on a Bale.那些只是我在這個世界上的一個經歷罷了。
  • 7Panels are seven or eight bales high and one bale thick.牆板有七、八包稻草那么高和一個包那么厚。
  • 8Theo shared a room with Gareth Bale and I was next door.西奧和貝爾(Gareth Bale,現熱刺球員)一個房間,我住隔壁。
  • 9He'd been selling 10 and 20-bale loads for horse bedding.他一直賣10到20包負荷的馬廄用品。
  • 10There are Seediq Bale commemorative wines and ionised water.出現了賽德克巴萊紀念酒類和脫離子水。
  • 11To throw or toss something, such as a ball, horseshoe, or bale.拋,扔,投:投或拋出某物,如球、馬蹄鐵或大包。
  • 12Spurs midfielder Gareth Bale was also courtside to take in the action.熱刺隊中場球員加雷斯·貝爾也在場邊觀戰。
  • 13I love what we do, "Bale said." it's so bloody silly at times, isn't it?我熱愛我們所做的一切,“貝爾說,”那是一段殘忍卻又愚蠢的歲月,不是么?
  • 14You can find plenty of advice about straw bale gardening on the Internet.你可以在網路上尋找很多有關禾捆種植的建議。
  • 15A farmer produces a bale of hay, one horse or another eats it, but not both.農民產出一捆乾草,某匹馬或另一匹馬可以把它吃掉,但不可能兩匹都遲到。
  • 16The reason why is simply because the individual psychological factors Bale.之所以如此,無非是因為個人的心理因素罷了。
  • 17And people want to have, and it is something like that already beautified Bale.而人想擁有的,也是那般已然美化了的東西罷了。
  • 18Alston, 65, says: "Bale had my father's mannerisms and accent down to the exact detail."現年65歲的阿爾·斯頓說:“貝爾和我父親的特點以及口音都像極了。”
  • 19The colon was ablaze, like a bone-dry bale of hay soaked in gasoline and then set afire.結腸在燃燒,就像是一捆極乾燥的乾草被浸到汽油里然後被點燃。
  • 20Maybe, thought Tracy Bale, a neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania, the problem is stress.賓夕法尼亞大學的神經生物學家Tracy Bale認為,問題可能在於應激。
  • 21Even California is having a rethink, and may change its rules to accommodate straw-bale construction.甚至加州也重新考慮,可能改變細則對稻草建築提供支持。
  • 22"What the hell am I doing here in the midst of you?" Bale said, referring to all the talent in the room.提到在場才華橫溢的影人們時,貝爾調侃道,“我到底在你們中間幹嘛呢?”
  • 23Other straw bale designs use the bales for insulation rather than as structural and load-bearing components.其他的秸稈草磚設計使用草磚隔熱而不是作為結構和承重組件。
  • 24Last year America produced 18.3m bales—each bale weighing 480lb, or 218kg—and exported more than 80% of them.去年美國生產皮棉1830萬包,每包重480英鎊,即218千克,其中80%以上出口了。
  • 25Spurs: Friedel, Walker, Dawson, Kaboul, Assou-Ekotto, Lennon, Livermore, Kranjcar, Bale, Van der Vaart, Defoe.熱刺首發:弗里德爾,沃克爾,道森,卡布爾,埃克托,列儂,利弗莫爾,克拉尼察爾,貝爾,范德法特,迪福。
  • 26Time, ancient times to now, or walked leisurely, no delusions acceleration or deceleration is only a feeling of people Bale.時間,自古至今,還是不緊不慢地走著,誰也妄想提速,或減速,只不過是人的一種感覺罷了。
  • 27Lighting another cigarette, he frowned and gestured towards a bale of "hell money" lying in a pile on the floor, then sighed.點燃又一隻煙,他皺皺眉向地上堆著的一捆“紙錢”做個手勢,接著嘆口氣。
  • 28There are two specifications: one, 200gram one bale is 65Yuan, the other 400 gram one bale is 130Yuan, which one do you want?我們的咖啡豆有兩種規格的,200克一包的是65元,400克一包的是130元,您想要哪一種呢?
  • 29Donovan and her colleagues started building straw-bale houses in Pakistan after the 2005 earthquake; so far they have completed 17.2005年巴基斯坦發生地震之後,多諾萬與她的同事開始在當地利用稻草建造房屋,到目前為止,已經有17座住宅交付使用。


