- 外文名:bacteriostatic
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[bæk,tɪərɪə'stætɪk]
- 釋義:阻止細菌繁殖法的,抑制細菌的
- 屬性:英語單詞
抑菌藥物 抑菌藥物(bacteriostatic drug)是2019年公布的結核病學名詞。定義 在常規劑量下,濃度達不到試管內最低抑菌濃度10倍的藥物。能抑制細菌生長但不能殺滅細菌。如乙胺丁醇。出處 《結核病學名詞》第一版。
arrests the growth or reproduction of bacteria but does not kill them 抑菌劑 短語搭配 CG bacteriostat CG抑菌譜 bacteriostat peptide 抑菌肽 bacteriostat bacteriostatic agent fungistat 抑菌劑 minimum-bacteriostat mass concentration 最小抑菌質量濃度 Gram-positive bacteria bacteriostat 革蘭氏陽性菌抑菌劑 ...
丁香酚中的複合抑菌因子(Bacteriostatic Glycacil)能夠直接作用痤瘡桿菌細胞膜,破壞細胞通透性,影響細胞合成,導致細胞死亡。同時,運用最先進的選擇性控釋模式,能夠將皮下組織休眠的痤瘡桿菌殺死,徹底斬斷痘痘復發的根源。香酚平復素 香酚平復素中特別添加了類人膠原蛋白(Human-like Collagen),它能夠從肌膚的真皮層...
Bacteriostatic: bosia floor assistant contain the antibacterial factor, can inhibit bactera,protect family safe.Environmental protection:This product does not contain any harmful substances, is the green environmental protection product, harmless to the human body.Construction requirements and attentions:Const...
SKIN BACTERIOSTATIC GEL TYPE Ⅱ 規格:100g 華必美皮膚抑菌液 SKIN BACTERIOSTAT LIQUID 規格:200ML 品牌成就 2021年6月,華必美在世界紀錄認證官方挑戰中,經世界紀錄認證(WRCA)官方審核,成功創造“最多人同時參與完成果酸換膚的品牌”世界紀錄。商標信息 商標名稱:華必美 隸屬公司:瀾錫(浙江)生物科技有限公司 ...
一種可鎮痛、抑菌、抗炎消腫、活血化瘀、祛腐生肌的非處方類外用藥。基本資料 高的軟膏(gaodi ointment)中文名稱:高的抑菌軟膏高的軟膏 中文拼音:gāode yìjūn ruǎngāo gāode ruǎngāo 英文名稱:gaodi Bacteriostatic ointment gaodi ointment 定義:主要成分:血竭、乳香、沒藥、麝香、黃連、黃蠟、白花蛇等...
抑菌劑(Bacteriostatics)泡澡(Baths)兒童與芳香療法(Children and Aromatherapy)貼敷(Compress)乳霜(Creams)除臭劑(Deodorants)殺菌劑(Disinfectants)分散劑(Dispersants)利尿劑(Diuretics)灌洗(Douches)古龍水(Eau de Cologne)足浴(Footbaths)藥草(Herbal Medicine)整體醫學(Holistic Medicine)順勢療法...
26 Fischer Fc. Bacteriostaticactivity of some coumarin derivatives. Phytochemistry,1976,15:1078.27 Jurd L.Antimicrobiolproperties of natural phenols, 4,antimicroboil properties of 6,7-dihydroxy-7,8-dihydroxy-6-hydroxy-,and8-hydroxycoumarins.Phytochemistry,1971,10:2971.28 Zborll P.Antibiotic ...
Phosphates 4.3 Porous Glass Ceramics for Immobilization of Enzymes 4.4 Preparation Procedures of Porous Glass Ceramics 4.5 Porous Glass-Ceramics with Bacteriostatic Activity 4.6 Porous Grass-Ceramics with an integrated Skeleton 4.7 Coucluding Remarks References 5 Tissue Engineering ……Index ...
18. Kurban Osman,Mukhtar Imerhasan, Patigul Imerhasan. Extraction and Bacteriostatic Activities of Polysaccharide in Seed of Portulaca Oleracea L. [J],Food Research and Development,2009,30(7): 28-30 庫爾班·吾斯曼,穆赫塔爾·伊米爾艾山,帕提古麗·伊米爾艾山.馬齒莧子中多糖的提取分離及抑菌活性研究...
bacteriotherapy,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“細菌療法”。短語搭配 Fecal bacteriotherapy 糞便細菌療法 單詞釋義 [臨床]細菌療法 ...bacteriostaticagent制菌劑bacteriotherapy細菌療法bacteriotoxemia細菌毒血症...翻譯 ...bariumenemaexamination翻譯【醫】鋇灌腸檢查breakingpiece翻譯【化】保險零件;安全零件...
6、抑菌紗線(Bacteriostatic yarns)Solidea的產品使用了添加了銀離子的抑菌紗,“抑菌”意味著它使細菌菌群保持在自然水平,同時防止有害細菌對皮膚健康的擴散。技術優勢-7 7、採用國際領先的Meryl®Skinlife纖維 Meryl®Skinlife纖維中含有獨特的銀離子,具有抗菌防異味、消除靜電困擾、調節體溫及抗輻射之功效。採用了...
抗腫瘤、解痙和抗胃潰瘍等多種作用。Furthermore, the bacteriostatic effect in vitro, the effect of excreting bile, the spasmolytic effect in vitro, anti-inflammatory effect and antianalgesic effect of BXC were also researched.此外,還研究了保肝消石膠囊的體外抑菌、利膽、解痙、抗炎及鎮痛等作用。
張永平,韓儉,唐寧,等.2,6-二甲酸吡啶氮氧化物稀土配合物的合成及其抗菌活性的研究. 蘭州大學學報自然科學版,2000,36(5):82~87 Zhang YP, Han J, Tang N, et al. Synthesis of Rare Earth Complexes with 2,6-Dicarboxilic Acid Pyridine-N-Oxide and the Study of Their Bacteriostatic Effect. ...
5 作者 (6) Regulating the behavior of human gingival fibroblasts by sp2 domains in reduced graphene oxide, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 2019, 通訊作者 (7) Enhanced osteogenic activity and bacteriostatic effect of TiO2 coatings via hydrogen ion implantation, Materials Letters, 2019, 通 訊作者 ...
and analgetic actions of Kangleifengshi capsules.目的: 研究抗類風濕膠囊的抗炎、 解熱、鎮痛作用。Finished the pharmacodynamics studies by doing the bacteriostatic experiment, analgetic experiment and antipruritic experiment.進行抑菌實驗、止癢實驗、止痛實驗完成對洋鐵酸模酊劑的藥效學研究。
E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Rhizopus, Mucor, etc. were the indicators. This essay investigated the effect of different alkannin content on bacteriostatic activity of the Lithospermum plastic.以大腸桿菌、金黃色葡萄球菌、根霉、毛霉等為指示菌,考察不同紫草素添加量對紫草塗膜劑抑菌活性的影響。
Synthesis, Characterization and Bacteriostatic Activity of four Acylhydrazones Containing Carboxyl.Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry (套用化學),2005(2/3)。Experimental study on sermorelin acetate antagonizing the immunosuppression of cyclophosphamide.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Immunology (細胞與分子...
Baicalin promotes the bacteriostatic activity of lysozyme on S. aureus in mammary glands and neutrophilic granulocytes in mice. Oncotarget. 2017.Selenium Plays a Protective Role in Staphylococcus aureus-Induced Endometritis in the Uterine Tissue of Rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2016.Se Enhances MLCK ...
Agents and Chemotherapy 45, 2703-2709 (2001).Lu, T., Zhao, X. & Drlica, K. Gatifloxacin activity against quinolone-resistant gyrase: allele-specific enhancement of bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities by the C-8-methoxy group. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 43, 2969-2974 (1999).