



  • 外文名:associative
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[əˈsəʊsiətɪv; əˈsəʊʃiətɪv]
  • 美式發音:[əˈsoʊsieɪtɪv,əˈsoʊʃieɪtɪv]


ADJAssociative thoughts are things that you think of because you see, hear, or think of something that reminds you of those things or which you associate with those things. 聯想的 [usu ADJ n]


associative processor[計] 相聯處理機 ; [計] 關聯處理機 ; 輔助處理機
associative register[計] 相聯暫存器 ; 暫存器 ; 相聯快取器 ; 相聯暫存器
associative operation 相聯操作結合律運算 ; 結合的運算
associative dimension 關聯標註 ; 關聯式標註 ;
associative search 相聯檢索相聯查線 ; 相聯搜尋 ; 相聯檢索
associative addressing 相聯編址 ; 結合定址 ; 相聯定址
associative key 啟發式判讀樣片 ; [計] 相聯關鍵碼 ; [計] 相聯關鍵字 ; 結合鍵
associative knowledge 聯想性知識
associative clustering 聯想群集 ;


  • 1The associative guilt was ingrained in his soul.這種聯想式內疚在他心中根深蒂固。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Their paintings often become segmented capsules of associative experiences.他們的畫往往成為分割的膠囊的聯想經驗。
  • 3The Greeks discovered that human memory is largely an associative process that it works by linking things together.希臘人發現,人類的記憶在很大程度上是一種聯想過程,通過把事物聯繫在一起來運作。
  • 4When people are bored, they have an increase in "associative thought" the process of making new connections between ideas, which is linked to innovative thinking.當人們感到無聊時,他們的“聯想思維”會有所增加,即在想法之間建立新的聯繫的過程,這與創新思維有關。
  • 5Matrix product is associative.矩陣乘法是有結合律的。
  • 6Or with associative array syntax.或通過關聯數組語法設定。
  • 7Also sometimes thought of as' associative 'meaning.也有時被看做“聯想”意義。
  • 8Function (3) gets the result row as a PHP associative array.函式(3)以PHP關聯數組的形式返回結果行。
  • 9What are the sorting requirements on an associative container?對於一個關聯容器來說,排序要求是什麼?
  • 10It would be more accessible, more coherent and more associative.這樣的記憶更容易獲取,更連貫和易於聯想。
  • 11XJConf supports both numerically-indexed and associative arrays.XJConf同時支持數字索引數組和關聯數組。
  • 12It stores all the visited XML elements in a PHP associative array.將訪問過的XML元素保存在php關聯數組中。
  • 13A PHP associative array carries the results of the core bank logic.一個PHP關聯數組用來傳遞核心銀行邏輯的結果。
  • 14Each row is represented as an associative array of key-value pairs.每一行都被表示為鍵值對關聯數組。
  • 15This advertising slight-of-hand is called associative conditioning.這些輕微聯手的廣告被稱為聯合效應。
  • 16Records, structures, and associative arrays are represented with the tag.記錄、結構和聯合數組用 標籤表示。
  • 17This function then converts the XML elements into a PHP associative array.這個函式將XML元素轉化成PHP關聯數組。
  • 18Remember that the prototype is an object, so it is also an associative array.請記住,原型是一個對象,所以它也是一個關聯數組。
  • 19The names in the associative array must match with the properties in the DTO.關聯數組中的名稱必須與DTO中的屬性名字匹配。
  • 20By contrast, an associative array does not offer the same level of certainty.相反,關聯數組不提供相同級別的確定性。
  • 21Rexx, however, does have one additional standard datatype: associative arrays.不過,Rexx 確實有一個另外的標準數據類型:關聯數組。
  • 22You can also use associative arrays and statistics (which we'll explore later).您還可以使用關聯數組和統計數據(我們稍後討論)。
  • 23On Friday evening, the associative-word feature of the Web site appeared to have been disabled.而在周五晚上,網站的聯想詞搜尋功能就已經失效了。
  • 24In Figure 11 you see how to use an associative table to implement a many-to-many relationship.圖11中,可以看到如何使用關聯表來實現多對多關係。
  • 25And, significantly, YAML maintains the distinction between ordered and associative collections.而且值得注意的是,YAML保留著有序集合和關聯集合之間的區別。
  • 26When the probe fires, you increment an associative array element for the given PID and process name.當該探針觸發時,將為特定的PID和進程名增加一個關聯數組元素。
  • 27The second decodes the serialized data and converts it to a basic PHP object or an associative array.第二個函式將把序列化數據解碼,並將其轉換為基本 PHP 對象或聯合數組。
  • 28Those field values may be strings, Boolean values, Numbers, dates, ordered lists, or associative maps.這些欄位的值可以是字元串、布爾值、數字、日期、順序列表或關聯映射。
  • 29Curly braces denote an associative array (that is, an object), with its key-value pairs separated by commas.大括弧表示聯合數組(即對象),它的鍵-值組合由逗號分隔。
  • 30It USES data supplied by the application program and passed to the DAS in associative arrays when created.它使用應用程式提供的數據,創建時這些數據將以關聯數組的形式傳遞給DAS。

