



  • 外文名:assassination
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[əˌsæsɪˈneɪʃn]
  • 美式發音:[əˌsæsɪˈneɪʃn]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


Creed assassination 刺殺信條
Subtlety Assassination 小史
Nanking Assassination 南京大屠殺
character assassination 人格損毀 ; 對人格 ; 攻擊別人
targeted assassination 有針對性的暗殺行動 ; 暗殺目標
The Assassination 大刺殺 ; 神槍手之死
Assassination sharpshooter 刺殺神槍手


  • 1The bombing was in revenge for the assassination.爆炸事件是對暗殺行為的報復。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The president survived a number of assassination attempts.總統在數次暗殺企圖中幸免於難。《牛津詞典》
  • 3She would like an investigation into the assassination of her husband.她想要對其丈夫的遇刺進行調查。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4They shot ten hostages in reprisal for the assassination of their leader.他們的首領遭到暗殺,他們為了報復,槍殺了十名人質。《牛津詞典》
  • 5They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination.他們已經因為參與暗殺而在監獄服刑。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6Lincoln's assassination in 1865 shocked the whole nation.1865年,林肯遇刺事件震驚全美國。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 7He lives in constant fear of assassination.他一直生活在對刺殺的恐懼之中。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8The assassination of the president precipitated the country into war.總統被暗殺使國家驟然陷入戰爭狀態。《牛津詞典》
  • 9A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.一場對這位已故婦女的全面人身攻擊在小報媒體上展開。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10It was his father's assassination.那是他父親被刺的訊息。
  • 11See article: “The Assassination of Mr Lincoln”, April 29th 1865“林肯遇刺案”,1865年4月29日
  • 12The news of the assassination has had a profound effect throughout the world.甘地遇刺的訊息震動了全世界。
  • 13The Arizona congresswoman was shot in the head in a January assassination attempt.他的妻子是亞利桑那州的議員,在1月一次襲擊中頭部中彈。
  • 14As a young lawyer, he worked on the Warren Commission investigating John Kennedy's assassination.作為一名年輕的律師,他對沃倫委員會調查約翰·甘迺迪遇刺案工作。
  • 15The assassination of Honduras’s top anti-drugs official in 2009 seems to have been a Sinaloa hit.宏都拉斯緝毒頭號官員的被刺似乎已經成為sinaloa的招牌之舉。
  • 16"Ms Bhutto's assassination," it says, "could have been prevented if adequate security measures had been taken."這份報告指出,“如果足夠的安全保障措施,貝布托遇刺是完全可以被阻止的。”
  • 17“Ms Bhutto’s assassination, ” it says, “could have been prevented if adequate security measures had been taken.”這份報告指出,“如果足夠的安全保障措施,貝布托遇刺是完全可以被阻止的。”
  • 18After solving the mystery of Rosenberg's assassination, Castresana was overcome with panic, instead of relief.解開了羅森博格被害之謎,卡斯特雷薩納並未如釋重負,相反,他卻是滿心恐慌。
  • 19In the years following his assassination, a small wall in the sleepy riverside district of Kampa became something of a shrine.在他被謀殺後的許多年裡,河邊昏昏欲睡的卡姆巴區一堵小小的牆變成了聖地。
  • 20I hoped your house would have been some other one than this; as if there was not another house at Auteuil than that of the assassination!我多么希望您的房子不會是這一幢,啊,好象歐特伊除了這個謀殺過人的房子以外就再也沒有別的房子了似的!
  • 21But after an assassination attempt against him in 1954, Nasser cracked down on the Brotherhood, and Qutb was caught up in the mass arrests that followed.但在1954年,兄弟會企圖暗殺納賽爾,納賽爾隨後粉碎兄弟會,庫特布也在後來的大規模逮捕中入獄。
  • 22Mr Schauble, who is wheelchair-bound since an assassination attempt in 1990, does not demur when interviewers describe him as the cabinet's "last European".朔伊布勒自1990年暗殺企圖後就一直坐在輪椅上,當採訪記者形容他是內閣中“最後的歐洲人”時他並不反對。
  • 23Just as guantanamo was against America's interests though judged legal by some American courts, so targeted assassination may cause more problems than it solves.就比如關塔那摩,儘管被一些美國法院判定為合法,但卻有悖於美國的利益——因此針對性的暗殺引致的問題可能會比它解決的問題還多。
  • 24Now framed for assassination, they must use all of their collective cunning, experience and teamwork to stay one step ahead of their deadly pursuers and stay alive.為了能比追殺他們的人先行一步並保住性命,他們聯合成刺殺小組,集合各人的狡詐、經驗和相互配合。
  • 25Still, the choice of Dubai, a commercial hub with friendly ties to the West, as a venue for the assassination has discomfited some Israelis in intelligence circles.同時,選擇杜拜這個與西方有著良好關係的商業中心作為暗殺地點也讓以色列情報圈子裡的一些人覺得很不妥。
  • 26And in the cold light of an employment tribunal, what seemed like harmless banter about the marketing manager's new hairdo can sound like a character assassination.而且在辦公室冷酷的裁決中,一些對經理的新髮型看上去無傷大雅的調侃也可能被視作人身攻擊。


