


  • 中文名:貴族
  • 外文名:Aristocrat


  • 1My father was a born aristocrat.我父親是個天生的貴族。
  • 2He put on the air of an aristocrat.他擺出一副貴族的架勢。
  • 3Yet he was not a haughty aristocrat.但他並非一個高傲的貴族。
  • 4He is a born aristocrat.他是天生的貴族。
  • 5Anna Christie was a born aristocrat.安娜·克里斯蒂是個天生的貴族。
  • 6Her father was an English aristocrat.她的父親曾是英國貴族。
  • 7The aristocrat clings to the glory of his past.那個貴族執著於他過去的榮耀。
  • 8Can't you see he just wants to play the aristocrat?你看不出他就是想扮出一副貴族派頭嗎?
  • 9Further up, I ran into a man dressed like an aristocrat.我繼續往上走,遇到了一位穿戴類似貴族的男人。
  • 10Further up, I ran into a man dressed like an aristocrat.他是一個道道地地的貴族。
  • 11The harried magazinist appeared as the tragic young aristocrat .給雜誌寫稿的潦倒文人,成了悲劇性的年輕貴族。
  • 12Fight off the pirates. Maintain your settlement at aristocrat Level.與海盜戰鬥。維護您的殖民地在貴族水平。
  • 13Moreover she is not an aristocrat, she is only a minor official's daughter.況且她不是一個貴族,她只是一個小官吏的女兒。
  • 14It was not the aristocrat but the yeoman who determined the nation's policies.決定國家政策的不是貴族,而是自由民。
  • 15Her haughty manners were meant to deceive us into thinking she was an aristocrat.她那趾高氣揚的行為是故意要欺騙我們使我們認為她是一個貴族。
  • 16Winston Churchill was born an aristocrat; he was the son of Sir Randolph Churchill.溫斯頓·邱吉爾一生下來就是貴族;他是倫道夫·邱吉爾爵士之子。
  • 17A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat.有一位名演員曾在一出極為成功的劇目中扮演一個貴族角色。
  • 18Have you heard of the story about a young German aristocrat who lives in an abandoned castle?你有聽說過一個住在廢棄城堡里的年輕德國貴族的故事嗎?
  • 19His limousine waits in the square below, watched over by pigeons and the bust of a dead aristocrat.一群鴿子和一個逝去了的貴族的半身像一直盯著在下面廣場上等著他的大轎車。
  • 20Expensive clothing is generally designed to make you look like an aristocrat who can afford couture.昂貴的衣服通常都是以讓你看起來像能買起高級時裝的貴族為設計理念的。
  • 21This easy way of eating quickly became a British aristocrat who sent a great way to afternoon time.這種簡便的飲食方式很快就成為了英國貴族們打發下午時光的一種絕佳方式。
  • 22Gwendolen's path crosses that of Daniel Deronda, a young aristocrat of mysterious origins (even to himself).關德琳家的路與(甚至對他自己來說)身份神秘的年輕貴族丹尼爾·德龍拉家的路交叉在一起。
  • 23In the European upper circles of society's philosophy, "the lake" has been aristocrat status representative.在歐洲上流社會的造屋哲學中,“湖”一直是貴族身份與氣度的優雅表征。
  • 24The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell.大幕拉開,最後一幕戲開演,貴族獨自一人坐在鐵窗後陰暗的牢房裡。這一句中,curtain和go up也是很實用的搭配。
  • 25If the two marry, it will be the first time in history that a future king has married a commoner who is not an aristocrat.如果他們兩人結婚,這將是有史以來第一次,一位未來的國王和一位沒有貴族血統的平民女子結婚。
  • 26Neither do I, but only a hundred years ago this knowledge was as vital for an aristocrat as dancing and polite conversation.我也不知道,不過在一百年以前這點學問對於貴族來說就和跳舞和有教養的交談一樣重要。


