

appoint,英語單詞,及物動詞、不及物動詞,作及物動詞時意為“任命;指定;約定”,作不及物動詞時意為“ 任命;委派”。


  • 外文名:appoint
  • 發音:英 əˈpɔɪnt 美 əˈpɔɪnt
  • 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 釋義:任命;指定;約定




appoint as 任命為
appoint publicly 公開任命
appoint arbitrarily 專斷地指定
appoint officially 正式任命 ; 正式的任命
appoint time 約定時間


  • 1It made sense to appoint a banker to this job.任命一位銀行家做這項工作是合理的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.他承諾任命一位愛滋病特使來對付這種疾病。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3After due consideration, we have decided to appoint Mr Davis to the job.經過適當考慮,我們決定委任戴維斯先生幹這項工作。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The new law would give the president the power to appoint the central bank's chairman.新法律將賦予總統任命中央銀行行長的權力。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5At this time, the judge will appoint a court lawyer to defend the suspect if he can't afford one.在這個時候,如果嫌疑人沒有經濟能力雇用律師,法官會指定一名法庭律師為他辯護。
  • 6At this time, too, the judge will appoint a court lawyer to defend the suspect if he can't afford one.在這個時候,如果他請不起律師的話,法官也會指定一名法庭律師來為嫌疑人辯護。
  • 7International banks appoint people who have an excellent grasp over the international banking policies, currency exchange and international policies.國際銀行雇用的是那些能洞悉國際銀行政策、貨幣兌換和各類國際政策的人。
  • 8David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their brothers as singers to sing joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments: lyres, harps and cymbals.大衛吩咐利未人的族長,派他們的弟兄作歌手,唱歡樂的歌曲,並用琴、瑟、鈸這些樂器伴奏。
  • 9The Senate had to appoint you.必須由元老院任命。
  • 10A: Appoint them to Cabinet positions.答:給他們個內閣位子坐就行了。
  • 11They appoint a chief executive officer (CEO).他們指定了一個執行長(chief executive officer, CEO)。
  • 12If we come to terms, w'll appoint you as our agent.如果達成協定,我們將指定你為我方的代理。
  • 13Sometimes they appoint a loyal relative as chief executive.有時候他們指派一名忠實的親屬來當總裁。
  • 14One survey respondent said: "people appoint people like themselves."一位受調查者稱:“人們會任命類似他的人。”
  • 15Another interesting question: Who will appoint the new senator now?另一個有趣的問題是:誰將成為新的參議員呢?
  • 16So far as the management is concerned, you can appoint the manager.至於管理,你可以親自指派經理人選.
  • 17State governors, who appoint election officers, play a decisive role.州長們,也就是任命選舉官員的人,在其中扮演至關重要的作用。
  • 18Companies should appoint to the board a retail shareholder representative.公司應任命一位散戶股東代表加入董事會。
  • 19First was the decision to appoint a Swede, Tomas Alfredson, to direct.首先是該片被委任給瑞典人托馬斯·阿爾弗萊德森來執導的決定。
  • 20The next day the White House asked Janet Reno to appoint a special prosecutor.第二天,白宮要求雷諾任命一名特別檢察官。
  • 21Appoint an evil man to oppose him; let an accuser stand at his right hand.願你派一個惡人轄制他,派一個對頭站在他右邊。
  • 22Part of this is to appoint somebody whose reputation has not been soiled by the whole thing.一方面是要任命一個聲譽沒有被整件事玷污的人。
  • 23The plaintiff has the rightto appoint a representative to make the presentation on his behalf.原告有權指定一位代表代為發言。


