
amphibian是一個英語單詞,意思是兩棲動物,英 [æmˈfɪbiən] 美 [æmˈfɪbiən]。


  • 中文名:兩棲動物
  • 外文名:amphibian




  • 1Why does the speaker choose that amphibian as her representative of a public creature?為什麼那位演講者要選擇這種兩棲動物作為公眾生物的代表呢?
  • 2Both the toad and frog are amphibian.蟾蜍和青蛙都是兩棲動物。
  • 3The sealed bottom is for setting making for amphibian.密封式底部,可供兩棲動物造景之用。
  • 4The world is an amphibian smorgasbord to the Epomis beetles.這個世界對於青步甲來說簡直就是一個兩棲類美食餐廳。
  • 5E. g. It is being actively pursued by amphibian specialists.許多兩棲類生物研究專家正積極的從事這項工作。
  • 6Amphibian kidneys function much like those of freshwater fishes.兩棲類的水平衡兩棲類的腎功能很像淡水魚的腎功能。
  • 7It is being actively pursued by amphibian specialists, for example.舉個例子,許多兩棲類生物研究專家正積極的從事這項工作。
  • 8The living space of the amphibian is much larger than that of others.兩棲動物的生活空間要比單棲動物大得多。
  • 9In more than 200 years of [amphibian research] this has never been reported.在超過兩百年的兩棲動物研究歷史中,這從未被報告過。
  • 10The frog is an amphibian, which means it can live on land and in water.青蛙屬於兩棲動物,也就是說它既能生活在陸地上也能生活在水裡。
  • 11At first this amphibian deals with the cooler days by burying itself in the soil.起初,天氣乍涼的時候,這種兩棲動物將自己埋在土壤里。
  • 12Amphibian lovers will certainly love to own this colorful and beautiful frog.喜愛兩棲動物的人一定會想要擁有一隻這么色彩斑斕的漂亮的青蛙。
  • 13Conclusion Onychodactylus fischeri is a relatively primitive type in the amphibian .結論爪鯢在兩棲綱動物中屬於較原始的種類。
  • 14Up to half of the world's 6, 000 amphibian species are thought to be in danger of extinction.世界上有六千種兩棲動物,其中多達一半的兩棲動物瀕臨滅絕。
  • 15The cane toad is a large (1.8 kg) amphibian species native to Central and South America.蔗蜍是一種原產於中南美洲的兩棲動物,個頭很大,重大1.8公斤。
  • 16The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program is the country's largest frog-counting system.北美兩棲類監測計畫是美國最大的青蛙計數系統。
  • 17The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program is the country's largest frog-counting system.北美兩棲動物監測中心是美國最大的青蛙統計機構。
  • 18The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program is the country’s largest frog-counting system.北美兩棲動物監測中心是美國最大的青蛙統計機構。
  • 19There are more than 730 amphibian species in Brazil, 467 of which are endemic to the region.這裡有超過730種兩棲類動物在巴西,其中特有種類467在該地區。
  • 20The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program is the country's largest frog - counting system.北美兩棲類監測計畫是美國最大的青蛙計數系統。
  • 21A mission aimed at rediscovering amphibian species thought to be extinct has yielded its first results.一個旨在重新發現被認為滅絕的兩棲物種的代表團收穫了其第一個發現。
  • 22Until now though, researchers did not realise that amphibian larva might also produce sounds underwater.不過直到現在,研究者才認識到兩棲動物的幼仔可能也會在水下發出聲音。
  • 23Prince Charles has enlisted an animated amphibian in his campaign to protect the world's rainforests.查爾斯王子在他的熱帶雨林保衛運動中獲得了一隻活潑的兩棲動物的的幫助。
  • 24The influence of pollutants on the frog gonad growth might lead to decline of amphibian animal population.污染物對蛙類生殖腺發育的影響會導致兩棲動物種群的衰退。
  • 25"We had no experience cultivating amphibian stem cells and were worried we would kill the few hundred that we had," says Dr Jensen.Jensen博士說,我們沒有培育兩棲動物幹細胞的經驗,並且我們擔心會殺死我們僅有的這百十個幹細胞。
  • 26To test the beetle's amphibian eating ability, the researchers set up an experiment straight out of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.為了測試甲蟲捕食兩棲類的能力,兩位研究人員設計了如同《末日戰士勇破雷電堡》一樣的實驗。
  • 27Scientists believed it was probably a victim of the deadly chytrid fungus that has devastated amphibian populations around the world.科學家們推測它們應該是當時席捲整個兩棲動物世界致命的蛙壺病菌的犧牲品。
  • 28Results of an investigation of the amphibian animal resources and the fauna characteristics of Jiemuxi Natural Protection Zone were reported.報導了借母溪自然保護區兩棲動物資源和區系特徵的調查結果。
  • 29The zoo's Institute for Conservation Research has experience preserving, and breeding from, amphibian skin cells. It is, however, a tricky business.動物園的保護中心曾經嘗試保存並從兩棲動物的皮膚細胞繁育,但這確實是個棘手的工作。


