



  • 外文名:affluence
  • 釋義:富裕;富足


英 ['æflʊəns] 美 [ˈæfluəns, əˈflu-]


  • 1Up to a point, affluence succeeds.在某種程度上,富裕是成功的。
  • 2Unfortunately, affluence also creates new complaints and contradictions.不幸的是,富裕也會產生新的抱怨和矛盾。
  • 3Affluence liberates the individual, promising that everyone can choose a unique way to self-fulfillment.富裕解放了個人,並承諾每個人都可以選擇一種獨特的方式來實現自我。
  • 4The postwar era was one of new affluence for the working class.戰後時期是工人階級新富期。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5In addition to intelligence, they also symbolize affluence and wealth.除了智慧,它們也象徵著富足和財富。
  • 6We've simply reaffirmed an old truth: the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness.我們只是重申了一個古老的真理:對財富的追求並不總是以幸福為終點。
  • 7The family depended on his ability to wangle a few dollars occasionally. With this money, they would eat well and dress well for a while, making a pretence of affluence.一家人全靠他在外面訛個錢,詐個財,吃點好的,穿點好的,裝門面。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 8Again we see the advantage of affluence.我們又一次看到富裕的優勢。
  • 9To sacrifice the God of Kitchen is to pray affluence.祭祀灶神就是在乞求富足。
  • 10But in the U.S., affluence did not lead to indulgence and decline.但是,在美國,富裕並沒有使它走向放縱與衰落。
  • 11Affluence and urbanisation mean new kinds of unhealthy lifestyles.富裕與城市化帶來的是新的不健康的生活方式。
  • 12Despite a general level of affluence never before realized in the.伊斯特林還評述到:“儘管人類歷史上從未實現過普遍水平的富裕,但今日。”
  • 13Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity — diseases of affluence.心臟病、癌症、糖尿病、營養過剩引起的肥胖症。
  • 14Is this wave of affluence a chimera or does it have solid underpinnings?這波富裕的浪潮純粹是海市蜃樓還是會奔流不息呢?
  • 15Once they reach a certain level of affluence, they also start to buy art.一旦市民富足到某個程度,他們也會試著收藏藝術品。
  • 16The reason we had great age of affluence is we had four continents to exploit.我們有這么多年的富足是因為我們有四個大洲可以開採。
  • 17Another factor may be the relative affluence that the typical American enjoys today.另一個因素或許是美國人對今天的生活很享受,很少抱怨。
  • 18In part, that is the result of the growing affluence of India's emerging middle classes.這有一部分原因是由於印度正在浮現的中產階級的財富增長。
  • 19Affluence is a pretty good deal. Judging from that map, the people of the world seem to agree.富裕的物質生活是件很好的事情,看看那張圖就可以明白,世界各地的人們看起來也都同意這一點。
  • 20Before the BlackBerry: our recent affluence has diluted the old sense of community Photo: alamy.黑莓出現以前:近代的物質充裕削弱了過去的社區感。
  • 21If the euro zone crumbles, pulling more of those people toward affluence would surely become much harder.如果歐元區瓦解,那其成員國邁向富裕將更加難上加難了。
  • 22Later, tiered cakes, with their cement-like supports of decorative dried icing, also advertised affluence.後來,出現了多層蛋糕,下面用裝飾性的脫水糖霜做支撐,也是誇耀富裕。
  • 23Those projections make it easy to assume that affluence and technology inflict more harm on the environment.這些做法很容易就得出結論:富裕以及科技對環境造成了更多的壞處。
  • 24Literacy was a sign of affluence, and rich men and women were in frequent correspondence with each other.讀寫能力是富足的一種象徵,富家男女間保持著頻繁的通信聯繫。
  • 25But now, as a joint result of affluence and our general leaning towards introspection, it has become the norm.但現在,在社會富裕與我們普遍自省傾向的共同作用下,這已成為常事。


