

aerial,英語單詞,形容詞、名詞,作形容詞時意為“空中的,航空的;空氣的;空想的”,作名詞時意為“[電訊] 天線“。


  • 外文名:aerial
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 類別:英語單詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈeəriəl]
  • 美式發音:[ˈeriəl]


n. 天線;(滑雪等運動的)空中騰越
adj. 航空的,從飛機上的;空中的,地表以上的;由飛機實施的;(植物的某部分)氣生的;在空中翱翔的;(在)大氣(中)的


aerial photography 航拍;航空攝影;航空照相學
Aerial battleship 航空巡洋艦
aerial photogrammetry [測]航空攝影測量;[測]空中攝影測量;航空攝影測量製圖
Aerial Cable [電]架空電纜;天線電線;天線電纜;高空電纜
ARL aerial 天線;接收天線
Aerial Antics 實現你的飛翔夢;飛翔之夢
aerial line 架空線;天線;架空線路;航線
Aerial Assault 飛機竊賊;空中突襲;空中偷襲;空中突擊
aerial condenser 空氣冷凝器;天線電容器


  • 1The aerial doesn't look very secure to me.我看這天線不太牢固。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Aerial bombing of rebel positions is continuing.對叛軍陣地的空中轟炸仍在繼續。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Aerial photography has revolutionized the study of archaeology.航空攝影已經給考古學研究帶來了一場革命。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Patterns that are invisible on the ground can be the most striking part of an aerial photograph.在地面上看不見的圖案可能是空中照片中最為醒目的部分。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5They sat in an aerial dwelling, and it flew with them through the air.他們坐在一個空中的房子裡,房子和他們一起在空中飛行。
  • 6Millions of bees have died in South Carolina during aerial insect spraying operations that were carried out to combat the Zika virus.為了對抗寨卡病毒,南卡羅萊納州開展了空中噴灑滅蟲的行動,導致數百萬蜜蜂死亡。
  • 7The banyan tree has aerial roots.榕樹有氣根。《牛津詞典》
  • 8Weeks of aerial bombardment had destroyed factories and motorways.數周的空襲已經摧毀了各工廠和公路。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9How about the third season of documentary Aerial China?紀錄片《航拍中國》第三季怎么樣?
  • 10Aerial surveys locate general areas of interest or larger buried features, such as ancient buildings or fields.航測技術能定位大致目標區域或更大的具有掩埋特徵的區域,比如古建築或古蹟。
  • 11They can provide a useful overview—an aerial map, as it were, to familiarize you with the main landscape features to be encountered during a course.它們可以提供一個有用的概覽——一個航拍圖,可以讓你熟悉課程中遇到的主要景觀特徵。
  • 12Its aerial mycelium is white, substrate mycelium is colorless to cream or pink.其氣生菌絲白色,基內菌絲無色至乳脂或淺粉。
  • 13Eg: he attached an aerial to the radio.他把收音機裝上天線。
  • 14It was the world's first aerial bombardment.這是世上首次出現空中轟炸。
  • 15LAPES is the third aerial delivery method.第三種方法是低空傘投系統。
  • 16The picture is much clearer with the new aerial.裝上新天線後畫面清晰多了。
  • 17The Baltic States have virtually no aerial capability.波羅的海國家幾乎沒有任何空中能力。
  • 18Today, WCS aerial surveys of the park have sighted none.但現在,WCS在針對這片公園的航空調查中還沒有發現水牛的蹤跡。
  • 19In aerial combat, then, low tech may be the new high tech.於是,在空戰中低技術可能成為新的高科技。
  • 20See "Haiti Earthquake Pictures: Aerial Views of the Damage."海地地震圖景:航拍地震的破壞。
  • 21The key to directed aerial descent is in the back legs and rearend.定向空中下滑的關鍵是用後腿和尾部。
  • 22This aerial view shows lower Manhattan, New York City, in 1928.這是1928年紐約曼哈頓下城的航拍圖。
  • 23How do you feel about America's aerial bombardment of Afghanistan?你怎么看美國轟炸阿富汗這件事?
  • 24Who wants to watch some aerial battles filmed in IMAX by John Woo?誰想看吳宇森執導的IMAX版的空戰電影啊?
  • 25Aerial photos of plumeless smokestacks suggest factories lie idle.航拍照片裡沒有冒煙的煙囪,顯示出工廠都在閒置。
  • 26If aerial jousting doesn't settle the argument, things may turn deadly.如果空中的爭鬥無法解決爭端,那接下來就會致命了。
  • 27The waterproof material is suitable for the aerial used near the waterfall.這種耐水材料適合用在瀑布附近的天線。
  • 28This is an aerial view of Microsoft’s data center in San Antonio, Texas.微軟位於田納西州聖安東尼奧的數據中心鳥瞰圖。


