



  • 外文名:adherent
  • 詞性:名詞、形容詞
  • 英式發音:[ədˈhɪərənt]
  • 美式發音:[ədˈhɪrənt]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


N-COUNT An adherent is someone who holds a particular belief or supports a particular person or group. 擁護者


adherent slag 附著渣
adherent adjunt 定語 ; 形容附加詞
Corrupting Adherent 墮落擁護者
adherent desmosome 粘著橋粒
adherent insolubles 管壁上的粘附性不溶物
adherent capsule 粘著囊 ; 翻譯 ; 粘著囊英語
adherent moisture 附著水分 ; 附著濕氣
adherent scales 粘著性鱗屑
adherent hernia 粘著疝


  • 1This is a kind of adherent substance.這是一種粘性物質。
  • 2Loyal adherent! I release you from the curse of flesh!忠誠的追隨者!我現在將你從血肉詛咒中釋放!
  • 3The adherent cells were gained by cultivated in vitro.體外培養以獲得貼壁細胞。
  • 4The berries are bright red with adherent skins and a mild flavor.漿果是明亮的紅色與粘附皮膚和中性的味道。
  • 5The effect of cellular adherent was a major condition for analysis.而且細胞的貼壁效果也是觀測分析的關鍵條件之一。
  • 6Always behind him are more adherent, feeling good, the celebrity effect.一直在他後面更貼,感覺還不錯,名人效應啊。
  • 7Adherent platelets can also augment antibody and cellular immune responses.粘附的血小板同樣能增加抗體和細胞免疫的反應。
  • 8A newcomer or latecomer, especially a recent adherent to a cause or fashion.新來者,後來者:新來的人或最近來的人,尤指最近追隨某一事業或時尚的人。
  • 9An adherent or advocate of a specified doctrine, theory, or school of thought.主義者,…信仰者:表示“某一具體的學說、理論或學派思潮的信徒或擁護者”
  • 10He was one of the forerunners of Modernism, and also a firm adherent of Realism.他既是現代主義的開拓者之一,同時又是現實主義的忠實維護者。
  • 11Client's capacity to remain adherent to stringent requirements of ART is assessed.評估患者堅持遵守art嚴格要求的能力。
  • 12Hydrophobicity is one of adherent forces by which bacteria adhere to host surface.疏水性是細菌粘附到宿主表面能力的一個重要組織部分。
  • 13Rip's sole domestic adherent was his dog Wolf, who was as much hen-pecked as his master.在家裡,瑞普的唯一知己就是那條名叫“狼”的狗,“狼”和他主人一樣怕女主人。
  • 14Self-adherent composite powder for thermal spraying is designed by optimum design method.採用正交最佳化設計的方法進行熱噴塗自粘結複合粉末的設計。
  • 15Zinc is a chemically active metal, but its corrosion products are generally dense and adherent.鋅是一種化學性質活潑的金屬,但它的腐蝕生成物一般有高的密度和附著力。
  • 16The baby had thin, tightly adherent skin that causes arthrogryposis and respiratory insufficiency.患嬰有著薄,緊貼的皮膚,造成關節臠縮及呼吸不全。
  • 17We research water pollution by determine adherent algae, and provide basis to control water pollution.通過對著生藻類的測定,來反映水質的污染情況,為治理水污染提供依據。
  • 18She is not "the talent" known by all people one night, and she is an adherent who has diligent, modest spirit.她並非是一夜成名的“天才”,但卻是個有著孜孜不倦、謙虛好學精神的堅持者。
  • 19The elephant's skull because want adherent neck and torso muscle and very huge, but its weight unexpectedly light.象的顱骨因為要附著頸和軀幹的肌肉而非常巨大,但它的重量出乎意料得輕。
  • 20Results Human MSCs were successfully isolated from UCB. These cells were adherent with a fibroblast like morphology.結果從臍血中可以培養出msc,為成纖維細胞樣的貼壁細胞。
  • 21It represents Russell 's first revolt against the Hegelism philosophy, of which he adherent in his early days at Cambridge.它說明了羅素對他在劍橋初期追隨的黑格爾哲學的第一次反叛。
  • 22Once lofty aspirations and great ideals, once ideal has disappeared in real life seek even the servile adherent to be not worn.曾經的雄心壯志,曾經的理想在現實的生活中已經消失的連尾巴都找不著了。
  • 23Objective To investigate the effects of steady shear flow on the deformation properties of an adherent leukocyte and its nucleus.目的研究穩定剪下流動對黏附於血管表面的白細胞及其細胞核變形的影響。
  • 24It represents Russell's first revolt against the Hegelism philosophy, of which he was an adherent in his early days at Cambridge.它說明了羅素對他在劍橋初期追隨的黑格爾哲學的第一次反叛。
  • 25It represents Russell's first revolt against the Hegelian philosophy, of which he was an adherent in his early days at Cambridge.它說明了羅素對他在劍橋初期追隨的黑格爾哲學的第一次反叛。
  • 26Thiss excavation was great because the cloth was still preserved and the feces was still adherent to the cloth on some of the sticks.這項發掘至關重要,因為織物至今得以保存,而且有幾根棍子的外層織物上還沾著排泄物。


