

abate,英語單詞,名詞、及物動詞、不及物動詞,作名詞時意為“ 人名;(英、意、法、埃塞)阿巴特”,作及物動詞時意為“減輕;減少;廢除”,作不及物動詞時意為“ 減輕;失效”。


  • 外文名:abate
  • 詞性:名詞、及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 美式發音:[əˈbeɪt]
  • 英式發音:[əˈbeɪt]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


英 [əˈbeɪt] 美 [əˈbeɪt]


Joseph Abate 阿貝特 ; 阿倍特 ; 瑟夫
Victor Abate 阿貝特
abate intensify 減弱加強
abate e 減少 ; 減弱 ; 減輕 ; 減低
Abate Ignazio 阿巴特
Abate A 名稱
J Abate 標籤
Abate John 名稱
Abate Anthony 名稱


abate/əˈbeɪt/TEM8( abating, abated, abates )
  • 1.V-IIf something bad or undesirableabates, it becomes much less strong or severe. 減弱[正式]例:The storms had abated by the time they rounded Cape Horn.暴風在他們繞過好望角時已經減弱了。


  • 1Steps are to be taken to abate pollution.應該採取措施減少污染。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Nothing could abate his rage.什麼都不能平息他的憤怒。
  • 3The storm began to abate slightly.風暴開始稍有所減弱。
  • 4The demands of the north will not abate.北方的需求不會減少。
  • 5Toward evening the fire began to abate.快到傍晚的時候,火勢減弱了。
  • 6We must abate the noise in our big cities.我們必須在我們大城市中消除噪音。
  • 7The demands of the north will not abate.北方的需求並沒有減輕。
  • 8Nothing can abate the force of that argument.什麼也不能減弱那場辯論的影響力。
  • 9Objective To abate the cervical spondylosis.目的:減輕頸椎病症狀。
  • 10We must abate the noise pollution in our city.我們必須消除我們城裡的噪音污染。
  • 11He will abate part of the price if you ask him to.如果你請求,他將減少一部分的價格。
  • 12We must abate the smoke nuisance in our big cities.我們一定要消除大城市的煙霧公害。
  • 13WE must abate the smoke nuisance in our big cities.我們必須消除大城市裡煙塵污染。
  • 14She is trying to abate the tension between her parents.她試著緩和她父母的緊張關係。
  • 15People are campaigning to abate the noise in our cities.大家正在進行一場減低城市噪音的運動。
  • 16Not that they feel it so, but only to abate the edge of envy.其實他們並非真那樣感覺,而只是想減輕別人的嫉妒而已。
  • 17The doctor gave him some medicine to abate the powerful pain.醫生給了他某種藥,以減弱那劇烈的疼痛。
  • 18The rain did not abate the crowd's enthusiasm for the baseball game.下雨並沒有消減觀眾看棒球比賽的熱情。
  • 19Of course, that could change if the financial panic doesn't abate soon.當然,如果金融恐慌不能很快平息的話,情況有可能發生變化。
  • 20In moderate DHF cases, all signs and symptoms abate after the fever subsides.一般性登革出血熱病例的所有體徵和症狀隨高熱消退而減輕。
  • 21The move would actualize admired articles and abeyantly abate China's oil annex.此舉將帶來有價值的產品,並可能減少中國對石油的依附。
  • 22Mexican-born Carmen Carrera is married to an American of Italian descent, Emil Abate.出生於墨西哥的卡門·卡羅拉嫁給了一個名叫愛米爾·阿貝托的義大利裔美國人。
  • 23Gastronintestinal digestion function abate children once again can not excessive edible.胃腸消化功能減弱的兒童一次不能過量食用。
  • 24ConclusionOT can improve the functions of upper limbs and hand and abate complications in stroke patients.結論作業療法可以提高偏癱患者的上肢功能及手的實用性,減少併發症。
  • 25It must enlarge the capacity and enhance the efficiency of wagon utilization to abate tense transportation.要緩解當前運輸緊張狀況,必須大力挖潛擴能,提高貨車運用效率。
  • 26Now I have grown up and I hope that I will abate some burden for my parents, especially the economic burden.我現在長大了,也希望替父母減輕一些至少是經濟上的負擔。
  • 27If left by itself, the intensity of hurt seems to abate, but like a hidden thorn, it is ready to pop up any time.如果不管它的話,受傷感的激烈程度似乎在下降,但是就像一個隱藏的荊棘,它隨時準備跳出來作怪。
  • 28The rage of America’s tea-partiers will not abate simply because some of their favoured candidates were elected in 2010.茶黨偏愛的一些候選人在2010年的選舉中獲勝了,但是他們的憤怒依舊。


