Zhong Yang:the answer of a botanist to life

Zhong Yang:the answer of a botanist to life

《Zhong Yang:the answer of a botanist to life》是2019年五洲傳播出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:Zhong Yang:the answer of a botanist to life
  • 作者:陳芳,陳聰
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • ISBN:9787508536590
  • 類別:人物傳記
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:軟精裝


In the form of the documentary literature, this book realistically and vividly narrates the story about a life scientist with passion for seeds.
Zhong Yang, the hero in the book, was the dean of the Graduate School and professor of the School of Life Science of Fudan University, having engaged in scientific research and teaching of botany and bio-information study for over 30 years. Cherishing the ideal of serving the country with science and technology, he had long been dedicating himself to the research and protection of bio-diversity, leading a team in having collected tens of millions of plant seeds on Qinghai-Tibet plateau for the national seed-bank. At the same time, he worked so hard for bringing up people to become talents in areas inhabited by minority nationalities in western China.


Chapter One Resignation by “A Zealous Science Freakist”
From a deputy departmental leader to an ordinary teacher: A choice for a lifetime
From a story-telling king to a “witty talker”: Pursuit of knowledge lasted all the lifetime of Zhong Yang
From “the gifted class” to “the special class for the gifted young”: Fate opened a window
From Wuhan to Shanghai: Restarting from scratch
Chapter Two “Pursuing Dream”: The Hard Road of a Seed
A “treasure bank” on the Tibetan Plateau
It is a dream, and also a mission
Looking for Alpine Snow Lotus on the line of life and death
He left behind 40 million seeds in 16 years
Chapter Three “Daring Zhong” and “The Roasted Cake”
“Hurry up, insert it back ...”
“Roasted cakes” is the most delicious
He named the “white rats” of the botanical community with his student names
Chapter Four After Facing Death
“I began to feel the blood fl owing profusely in my body ...”
Alarm clock at 3 o’clock in the early morning
“I can quit alcoholic drinking, but I can’t quit Tibet.”
A severer “Science Mania”
Chapter Five “Big Thoughts and Great Emotions” of the Tall Fellow
Big ego in my heart
Academic “clear stream”
A man of chivalry of Contents
Chapter Six This Great Scientist Turned Out to Be a “Science Expert”
The glamor of Zhong
“Turn to Mr. Zhong if you are in trouble.”
The “paranoia” had a pure heart
A promise that will never be fulfi lled
Chapter Seven Last 24 Hours in His Life
Chapter Eight Seed Heaven
“‘Wrong’ message, ‘wrong’ message!”
“Zhong Yang cannot do anything for you any more ...”
“A family photo taken 12 years ago”
“He was born for science, born for career and born for the ideal.”
“I’ll take care of them after they are 15 years old.”
“This is the money exchanged with my father’s life. We should use it for my father’s career.” Chapter Nine “I Am a Seed of Dandelion.”
The “love” of Zhong Yang
The secrets of Bian Zhen
A seed changing the fate
“Sorry to get to know you in this way!”
“Farewell, Mr. Zhong, go well all the way!”
Postscript When Stars Are Shining
The height of life
In the days when I lost contact


芳,新華社高級記者,長期從事巨觀經濟和科技報導,著有《“芯”想事成中國晶片產業的博弈與突圍》(合著)等。 陳聰,中國作協會員、北京作協會員、新華社戰地記者、“年度中國好書”獲獎者,著有《厭倦與天真 徘徊在天堂和地獄的邊上》等多部隨筆集、紀實文學和長篇小說。
Chen Fang, a senior reporter of Xinhua News Agency, has been engaging in reports on
macro economy, science a nd technology. Her works include The dream of The chip has come
true Competition and breakthrough of Chinese chips as the co author, etc. Chen C
ong, a member of Chinese Writer Association, a member of Be i jing Writer Associat ion, a
field reporter of Xinhua News Agency and the winner of Annual good Chinese books ””. H is
works include Boredom and naiveness Wandering on the verge of the paradise and the hell , in
addition to a number of informal essa ys , documentary literature and novels.

